It was a picture of the fire company dousing flames at a local restaurant – one of Marlin’s Delicatessens. She quickly scanned the article to find that Brody’s mom had died in the fire and his father had been admitted to a “local care facility” in serious condition. That had to be WBMC. There was no other care facility around that could handle ICU patients.

Erin grabbed the desk, unsure if she might faint or vomit or both.

“Erin, what’s the matter?” Kelly asked, coming to stand beside her.

Erin pointed at the paper, at a loss for words.

“Oh. My. God.” Kelly breathed as she read. Then she looked up at Erin, their eyes meeting and neither knowing what to say.

“He’s gotta be here, in ICU. Have you talked to Brody?” Kelly asked.

Erin shook her head. “I hadn’t worked up the nerve to call him. I can’t believe this. His mom is dead Kel.”

And suddenly she grabbed the paper, hurriedly folding it up, and scurried around the desk. “Cover for me. I’ll be back ASAP.”

“Where are you going?”

“To find Brad.”

Knowing that she could get her butt chewed out for leaving the wing in the middle of her shift, she took her chances and hurried down the stairs anyway, heading straight for Brad’s office. Thankfully his door was open when she approached and she didn’t hear voices floating into the hall. He looked up when she stepped into the doorway, surprised.

She held up the newspaper, demanding, “Did you know about this?”

Brad saw what she was indicating and wilted a bit. “Not until I got here. If I had, I would’ve told you as soon as I saw you.”

“Is he here?”

“Who? Brody?”

“His Dad!”

Brad nodded. “He’s got some pretty serious burns. They’ve got him in ICU, sedated. We got notice this morning that we’re doing a feeding tube until they feel comfortable bringing him around.”

“Do you know anything else? Have you talked to Brody?”

Brad shook his head. “No, I haven’t, but I’m going to assume he’s here.”

Erin nodded, having no more questions to fire at him. “Thanks. I’ve gotta get back before I get fired. Call me if you hear anything.”

Brad nodded in agreement and then she turned, hurrying back the way she had come. Once back at the nurse’s desk she filled Kelly in on the little that Brad had told her. Then she took the time to re-read the article. There wasn’t much information available yet as it had happened late last night as they were closing the deli and prepping for the next day. The fire marshal would be investigating for cause as soon as possible. There was no word on how his Mom died.

Erin felt tears sting her eyes and she closed them, lowering her head into her hands. She needed to find Brody. She needed to put her own issues aside. He had much bigger things to think about right now.

“Erin, you need to get ahold of him.” Kelly told her quietly, reaching out to squeeze Erin’s arm.

“I know Kel. But it’s not like I can just abandon my job. I’ll finish my shift and when it’s over, I’ll go down to the ICU and see if he’s there. If not, I’ll call.”

Kelly nodded and then moved away.

Erin picked up the phone to call her Mom back. She answered on the second ring.

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