Colours Haiku

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Just in case you don't know what a haiku is, it's a type of Japanese poetry. It has three lines. The first having 5 syllables, the second having 7, and the last having 5. Probably do a second to this if I think of anymore colours and what they mean.

Red represents lust,
Love, anger, passion and
Dangers like fire and blood.

Orange, a mix of
The passion of red and the
Rapture of yellow.

Yellow, cheer and joy.
Excitement and positive
Emotions like bliss.

Green, the balancer
Of the mind and emotions.
Also, life and health.

Blue, a calm colour.
Generally seen as a
Symbol of sadness.

Indigo, wisdom.
Perception but can deepen
Someone's depressed state.

Purple represents
Royalty and mystery.
Is used in churches.

Black, seen as death and
Evil. Tends to viewed as
A negative thing.

White, the colour of
Light and good. Though, I don't
Like it very much.

Pink, known to be a
Feminine colour, but I
Find it too gaudy.

Leave colour suggestions in the comments for the next one ^w^. Love you guys! Xxxx

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