
12 4 0

This is another one, this is for _xoxo_silver_. Hope you like it xxxx.

X- Xenodochial (yes it's a real word). You are kinda friendly with strangers, at least, Internet strangers. You are kind to me and other Internet friends even though most of us are technically strangers.

O- Odd. You are unique, and not like anyone I've met. I think it's good to be odd.

X- there wasn't another word for x. I'm so sorry xD.

O- Obliging. You're always up to helping your friends in their darkest moments.

S- Sweet. You're sweet and kind, and truly an amazing friend.

I- Intriguing. You are unique and you can keep my attention easily.

L- Lovable. You are amazing and just do lovable.

V- Valuable. You are valuable to me and all of us here on Wattpad.

E- Extraordinary. You are amazing and extraordinary.

R- Rare. You are rare and I haven't met a single person like you.

Hope you liked it xxxx.

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