Just Us Girls

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Hello! I'm Grimtales134! I was told to make a FNAF story by my friend, narutolover176

Sarah's POV

I laid on my bed in shorts and a big t-shirt playing on my phone.

"Danm it! Why?!" I yelled as my game was interrupted by Roxy calling me.

"What?!" I yelled in the phone as I answered.

"Ack! That's my ear!" Roxy's voice reached my ears. I frowned.

"I don't care! What the fuck do you want?! I'm playing a game!" I growled out angrily and Roxy laughs nervously.

"Well. I got us a job. Its a night job. All we do is watch over the animaltronics and at 6 am, we leave. Its at Freddy Frazbear's Pizzeria." Roxy said and I glared at my phone.

"Want to know what I think?" I asked.

"Sure?" Roxy said well more like asked. I threw my phone agianst the wall and it broke into pieces. I reached over and open my bedside table draw. I grab another identical phone and turned it on. I download my game and begun playing happily.

~With Roxy~ Normal POV

Roxy looked at her phone and chuckled nervously knowing Sarah broke her phone. Roxy turns to the manager and smiles.

"We'll take the job." Roxy said and the man nods.

"Great. Just let me order your uniforms and hopefully you get to see our other worker here. She hasn't came in yet, but you'll get to meet her." The manager said.

"Thank you. See you tomorrow!" Roxy said as she walks out and down the street.

"Thank god, we bought Sarah 25 phones knowing her deadly temper. I wonder what this job will be like. I hope Sarah doesn't kill anyone. I happy that guy's alright even though it was partly my fault for starting it. Oh well! Free break!" Roxy cheered as bystanders looked at her weirdly. Roxy shrugs them off before walking across the street to Sarah's big house like apartment.

"Its a good thing we live here with Sarah. Stupid parents. Won't give my mansion back to me." Roxy muttered to herself. Roxy walks into house and looks around.

"Sarah! I'm hungry!" Roxy yells upstairs.

"Fix your own god damn food!" Sarah yells back from her room.

"You cook better than me and Midnight! Please?!" Roxy yells grinning. Roxy hears Sarah growling.

"I said please, damn it!" Roxy yelled and a door slams open. Sarah stomps downstairs and glares at her friend as she walks by and towards the kitchen. Roxy grins and walks in after her.

"Yay!" Roxy exclaims and Sarah growls as she gets out ingredients to make something.

"Shut the fuck up." Sarah muttered as she starts cooking.

"You could be a chief or baker!" Roxy said and Sarah glares hard at her.

"Shutting up now." Roxy said as she still smiles. Sarah mutters curses as she continues cooking.

"I hope Midnight is okay." Roxy said and Sarah sets a plate down.

"I'm sure she's fine. Now eat." Sarah said as she grabs her plate and walks to her room.

"I knew it. You do care about us." Roxy whispers to herself.

"I do not! Shut the hell up!" Sarah yells and slams her door. Roxy giggles at her friend's stubbornness to admit that she does care about her friends and family.

Yeah! Finally done! I hope you guys enjoy this, if not Blame narutolover176 she told me to write this shit. I'll update soon!

Grimtales134 out!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!

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