Chapter 13: Versus

Start from the beginning

I made my way to the cafeteria, dodging students who filled the hallway and ignoring the stares and curious glances sent my way. It's been like this since my race against Karl. Can't they just forget about it and leave me alone?

Spotting my friends inside the busy cafeteria I joined them after buying lunch. "Where have you been?" Cleft questioned while taking a seat next to him.

"Lenwin." I replied and took a bite from my burger. "He got us into detention."

"It wasn't entirely my fault." I silently groan as Lenwin took his seat at the only empty chair which was beside me. "Did I miss anything?" He questioned. Dexter shook his head in answer. "We were wondering what you would do in tonight's race?" Dexter raised an eyebrow in question.

I silently ate my lunch and glanced at Lenwin. I was curious too, anyway I have a feeling he had no plans at all. "I'll do what I can if the situation arises." He shot me a smirk and I restrained myself from rolling my eyes.

"That's it? No strategies?" Cleft inquired in disbelief. "How will you even win?"

"Do my best?" Lenwin replied with a grin.

"I can't believe you're so calm."

I checked the time. Lunch was almost over. "I don't know about you guys." I stood up, throwing the wrapper on the nearest bin. "I don't want to be late for class."

They soon followed and we left the cafeteria for our next class which was Physics.

Thing goes here right?" Lenwin asked while holding the wire to be attached to the power outlet. He flinched away scowling at the board then the activity paper. "I give up! I'll die of electrocution if this keeps up!"

I sigh in exasperation. If this keeps up I would go insane with his complaints. He's seriously more annoying than Cleft. "Let me." I grabbed the paper from him along with the wire. "Lexi, get me some batteries. Cleft, grab the motor over there." I ordered. I scanned the paper for the directions and found that it was similar to building an Air Trek.

I attached the wire to the power source carefully to not get electrocuted. When it fit, I quickly attached everything so it looked exactly like the drawing in the activity paper. "Done." I stepped back, surveying my work with a smile.

"Does it work?" Cleft moved forward and pushed the switch. A low hum of the motor told us it was working perfectly. "Wow. You did it!" Cleft turned to me in amazement.

"How...?" Lenwin shook his head in disbelief. "You finished it in three minutes and without looking at the paper once."

"I'm used to it." I shrugged.

"Lucas built an AT for me so it should be a piece of cake for him." Alexis explained, smiling. It seems Lenwin was surprised hearing it. He snapped his head at me. "What? Seriously?" Alexis nodded in response.

It was time I put a stop to their conversation. "We should show it to the teacher so we can leave early." I told them. With a shrug Lenwin, followed by Alexis and Cleft walked to the front. I grabbed my bag and followed them with Dexter. We were the first to finish. Mrs Clement was overjoyed seeing our work that she gave a perfect score and let us off early.

Our final class of the day was gym so we the others went to the lockers to change. I didn't want to change my clothes so I arrived at the gym first and changed into my AT.

They joined me shortly after. "What are we practicing today?" Cleft inquired. I scanned the gym before returning my gaze to Cleft. "Warm ups." I replied, moving away from them. Cleft finally noticed that I was wearing my AT. "You're joining us?" He asked in surprise as he caught up with me.

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