He's Got You

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The ticking of the florescent lighting was seriously screwing with Kim's already pounding head, she pushed her fingertips to her left temple and massaged it slowly hoping to ease some of the pain.

Migraines sucked.

Migraines sucked even more when you were trying to solve a double murder that left the sweetest little boy an orphan and if that wasn't bad enough he was also an eyewitness. They hadn't made much headway in their investigation but they continued to work around the clock.

They just needed something to hit the mark, at this point they didn't care what it was.

She had been removed from sitting on Adam's townhouse, Ramirez wasn't cutting it in Intelligence and they didn't have the luxury of waiting it out.

Cash was depending on them.

Adam handed Carley the backpack, "Here's his stuff, I packed his blanket too." He wasn't sure what he was going to do with himself over the weekend. It had been a month since Cash had lost his parents and had moved in with him, and it felt weird to be letting him go. Even if it was just for forty eight hours, but he knew. He knew that this was step one of handing Cash over to John and Carley. They had filed with family court asking to become Cash's legal guardians with intentions to adopt. It was all pending a home study, and in-depth psychological reports on both John and Carley. They were also making a last ditch attempt to locate any biological family before placing Cash permanently with the Fitzpatrick family.

"Thanks." Carley smiled warmly as Cash and JJ ran across the field headed for the giant play structure in the center of the park, "Has he eaten?"

Adam kicked at a small pile of dirt, "He did. We grabbed a late breakfast on the way over. Listen, he's still having nightmares, and he's had a few accidents."

"Accidents?" Carley slipped the bag over her shoulder.

"Yea. Accidents, you know pissing the bed." Adam replied, "Burgess..well, she bought some of those diaper things..or whatever the hell you call them." He pointed to the bag on her shoulder, "I packed two. Don't let anyone else know..he gets upset."

"Oh, I see. Don't worry, I won't let it slip. Try not to worry so much, Officer Ruzek. In case you've forgotten, I've got two children. This isn't my first rodeo."

Adam forced a smile, "Sorry. Tell Cash he can call me anytime. Take care of him. You've got a patrol car assigned to the house and a plain clothes officer will be with you at all times." He watched as her head swiveled, obviously in search of the officer, "You'll never find him, he's good. It's his job to go unnoticed."

"Got it. Enjoy your weekend, we will call you Sunday night to figure out drop off." She patted his arm before turning her back on him and going after the boys.

He stood rooted in place and watched Cash as he pumped his legs furiously on the swing, leaning back and giggling. The kid had taken hold of his heart and he was afraid he was going to leave with it. He could feel the sting of tears as they filled his eyes, he had already had his heart annihilated once, he wasn't sure he could handle it a second time.

"Bye Adam!" Cash called out.

Adam waved his hand, "Later C-Money, be good."

"I will!"

Adam took a moment to reflect on the events of the last month, he had started feeling very fatherly, and now he wasn't sure what to do with himself. The last thing he wanted to do was go home, the house would be far too quiet.

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