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As I'm too lazy to write stories at home at the moment, this is yet another story from my English class. There will be plenty of these because she makes us do one formative and one summarise for each task, which I rather like tbh. This one was a fantasy style recount, we had to write a recount of made up events lately. Which to tell the truth I struggled with it a little because mine kept turning into a narrative instead of being a recount soooooo I suck at writing 😂😂😂. Have fun reading.


Dear diary,
Wednesday, 16th June, 2000
7:00PM, I parked as close to the high rise building as possible without appearing suspicious. I waited impatiently for my unnamed client who took an awful long time with the job. Suddenly alarms began screaming and that was my cue to start the car. Lugging the over full sacks behind him he raced towards me, obviously not coping with the immense weight. He climbed frantically into the backseat threw the cash on the floor and yelled go. He had looked slightly surprised to see a woman driving. I slammed my foot to the pedal screaming into the street leaving black smoke behind us.

8:00PM, All went according to plan until we hit the traffic. Suddenly he began to sweat and started yelling at me just to go. I had tried to remain calm as he started to get violent, he dented my car door after punching it several times hard. When I heard sirens approaching, I panicked and drove. Weaving wildly I scraped and pushed several cars, the rough exterior of my armored car protected us. The sirens in the distance were becoming closer, now audible over the beeping of horns.

We broke free from the traffic and sped to the nearest highway exit. Upon reaching it I calmed down quite a lot until I discovered my preferred exit was closed. So I made a split second decision to take a much longer route. The road was eerily quiet and bare. Up ahead police cars lined the road, I could see shiny spikes on the road and loaded guns. I planted my foot to the floor and reached a record speed.

8:30PM, I didn't stop, we side swiped the spikes, wheels squealing, rubber burning and drove straight through a gap between two cars. Not quite wide enough for us to fit. The cars beside us bent, people screamed and thousands of bullets rallied quickly into doors. My client screamed hysterically as I rammed through the barriers as fast as I could. We got through to the other side unscathed and lucky.

9:00PM, I dropped my traumatized client off, received my hefty pay from his shaky hands, hid the car and got into my own personal one. I drove past the scene rather calmly. Wreckage was strewn everywhere, a few dead people lay scattered like dead leaves and all other injured staggering about. I desperately tried to look shocked and surprised when the approached police to question me.

When they finally waved me on I drove off stifling a hysterical chuckle and I grinned like the Cheshire cat. The police were so clueless and it pleased me. I reached my own home and collapsed, exhausted into the couch. I switched on the T.V. seeing my car yet again on headline news. I'll have to have the paint changed again, I thought to myself. 10:00Pm, I yawned and went to bed early, yet another job well done and a good sized pay in my pocket.

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