Chapter 3

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The sky races in your vision as you run along the footpath. You laugh as Yoosung turns around to look at you, sticking his tongue out in a joking expression. Your hearts skips a beat as you look at Yoosung's blonde hair and the way each strand shines in the sunlight.

Yoosung stops and looks at you, puffed out from running. You look at him and you let out a giggle. Yoosung shines so perfect in the sunlight, it's amazing. It's like angel fell from the heavens and blessed your soul. "Y/N, Do you like the view?" Yoosung asks and smiles. You move your eyes to the view. Wow! The view is beautiful. You didn't realise you were ontop of a hill. You see fresh green grass gracefully moving in the breeze. Trees look like little scrubs, making the scenery look colourfully different shades of green. "Oh Yoosung, it's so beautiful!" You exclaim as you turn towards him. He laughs a little and you catch his cheeks turn rosey red.

You look at your hands, they are still connected. You giggle and move closer towards Yoosung's face. Yoosung must of read your mind for he already pulled you towards his face. " I love you, Y/N.", he whispers once again as he places his gentle lips on yours. You wrap your arms around is neck and pull closer. This is a magical dream that has come true. You can't stop yourself with this feeling of love. You can't stop kissing him. You want this kiss to last forever. 

A HINT OF YOUR LOVE - YoosungxReader {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now