Ruby raises her eyebrow and pushes her chest out a bit. "Me."

And before Regina can reply, Ruby turns and walks away, adding an extra swing in her hips. She's never had a problem showing off the merchandise before and Regina needs to realize that she is a threat if she's going to get her head out of her ass and claim Emma for good.

"What did you say to Regina?" Emma asks as she flops down on the couch beside Ruby and steals her beer.

"What did she say I said?"

"She didn't say anything. We haven't talked since I left the diner."

"Then what makes you think I said anything to her?" Ruby grabs the beer back.

"Besides the fact that you just gave yourself away?" Emma nudges her shoulder. " I know you, Ruby. I felt your eyes on us the whole time we were talking. I know you said something to her, so what was it?"

Ruby smiles. "I merely let her know that you had other options."

"Rubes." Emma tries to sound exasperated but it doesn't really work. It's nice to have someone looking out for her for once.

Ruby opens her mouth to reply but is interrupted by Regina's ringtone from Emma's phone. She grabs it before Emma can stop her.

"Hello?" Ruby practically purrs into the phone and it has the desired effect when Emma starts giggling in the background.

If Ruby sounds like a pleased cat, then Regina's reaction to her answering Emma's phone is that of a growling pit bull. "Let me speak to Emma."

"She's a little... tied up right now." Ruby says, swatting Emma's hand away and wiggling her brows to make Emma laugh some more.

"Miss Lucas, let me speak to Emma now."

"Sorry Regina, but she really is busy." And Emma is busy, drinking a beer and laughing at Ruby, so it's not a lie. "And besides, it's not past Henry's bedtime yet, so I know you don't want her yet. Me on the other hand? I always want her."


Ruby flinches slightly at the anger in Regina's voice and quickly hits the end button to cut off the call.

"Ruby." Emma chastises, taking the phone from her. Regina is sure to be pissed about this.

Ruby just shrugs. "She needs to see what she has in you."

Emma laughs at that, but it's obviously a sarcastic one. "Ruby, she's the mayor. She's beautiful and smart and classy. I'm a high school dropout who doesn't even deserve to carry her groceries. The fact that she's even given me a second look is crazy."

"Emma," Ruby turns, taking Emma's hands, her voice serious, "if Regina can't see what's in front of her, then that's her problem. But don't ever feel like you're not good enough for her. You're amazing. You're the top, okay?"

Emma pulls the waitress into a tight hug. "No, you are."

"Do you think," Regina snarls as Emma walks into the bedroom, half an hour later than normal because Ruby had found Dirty Dancing on one of the cable channels and Emma hadn't been able to leave until she saw the ending, "that this is some kind of joke?"

Emma sighs as she flops down on the bed. "No, Regina, I don't think this is a joke."

"Then why are you making it into one?"

"I wasn't aware that I was." Emma admits.

"Telling Ruby, of all people, about us!"

"Ruby," Emma says, her voice rising to meet Regina's, "is my best friend."

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