Part 4

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Emma had finally done it. She bought the ring. It had been calling to her for almost a year now. She literally visited the shop on a weekly basis. Joseph, the old man that owned the place teased her and told her that she was going to lose visitation rights, because somebody had recently come in and taken an interest in the ring as well. That was literally all it took. The very next day, she went to her bank and withdrew the hefty sum for the ring. Money was not an issue,as she was given her inheritance early after the curse had broken. Snow and Charming didn't want to chance something bad happening again, so they transferred all of their money that was set aside for their "future heir", which they found out was Mary Margaret, or Snow's roommate after all hell had broken loose. Emma had never touched the money. There was a lot of it. So much that Emma didn't know what to do with it, so she did what she did best...Ignored the fact that it existed. That was until this ring came along.

She and Regina had been co-parenting Henry and things progressed pretty quickly. Within six months of everybody's returned identities 108 had become her second home. Family dinners led to sleepovers, that led to more. It felt right for her to make a permanent home with her son and Regina, who was now the light of her life and Emma moved into the Mifflin mansion. Just how they went from fireballs and poofing matches to full-blown make-out sessions, the women could not really answer, but they were glad for it and didn't question their good fortune in love. Both were blissfully happy. Don't get me wrong...they still were Emma and Regina. Which means that they still had their quirks and character flaws. They could argue with the best of them, but it almost always ended up with passionate rounds of lovemaking and make-up sex.

Now though, it was getting real. Emma was going to ask "THE" question. They had been together for a year and already had a child together. She really couldn't see why they should wait any longer. There was only one problem. How to ask? She wanted for this to be perfect, so she labored long and hard over how to go about this. It was also clearly apparent that she was Snow's daughter. She couldn't keep a secret. And that's how this story all started.

The day began just like every other day, but Emma had woken up feeling very antsy. She tried to act normal, but all during breakfast she apparently she was acting strange, drumming on the table and driving Regina nuts."OK Emma, out with it."

"What are you talking about?" Emma answered, feigning innocence.

"Oh please, you've been playing air drums on the table and acting skittish all morning. The only time you behave like an angsty teen is when you're lying to me or hiding something. Seeing as I haven't asked you anything of importance, you can't be lying, so I can only guess you are hiding something from me."

Emma unconvincingly told Regina that she had no idea what she meant, but the brunette wasn't about to let it go. She knew her girlfriend, and she also knew that she was trying to keep a secret from her. Patience was not a virtue the former queen had, and she was now dying to know what Emma was hiding from her. GAME ON...

After Emma had left for the station, Regina began to plot in her head how she could covertly discover Emma's secret. A-ha! An idea popped into her head... Why not enlist Henry's help? Emma would never suspect him. Regina thought that she was being so clever. Unfortunately, when she approached him with her idea, he looked at her as if she had grown a second head and adamantly refused to get involved. "Mom... Are you nuts? Ma isn't stupid, but you of all people should know that she's as bad as Gramma with secrets. Just sweet-talk her and catch her off guard. You can't fail. And ya, good luck..." he said snarkily. He was truly her son.

Although Regina was initially discouraged with Henry's response, she realized that he was, in fact, a freaking genius! She would not just sweet-talk it out of Emma, she would use her wicked ways with her to get the secret from her. Emma could not resist Regina when she was being seductive. That's it! She was going to seduce it out of her. Seduction with Emma began with food, so she decided to make her famous lasagna and apple tarts with heavy whipping cream...The cream being an invitation to their bedroom for some fun food play. Emma had never been able to resist this particular combination.

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