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Wind invaded his big brown Afro as he overviewed the neighborhood, Woodcrest. He was standing by the big oak tree on the top of the hill, just before the entrance of his subdivision. His eyes were shut and his ears was filled with the peaceful sounds of nature. He heard the flapping of the birds who flew across the clear evening sky. He even heard his grandfather loudly cussing out his younger brother, Riley. He let out a frustrated growl, but immediately continued his meditation. He gradually began slipping into total relaxation as he leaned against the oak tree. It's moments like this that Huey enjoyed. The peace and quiet soothed his cold and isolated soul. It gave him a sense of tranquility, in which he desperately needed.

His lips curved into a quick smirk before dropping back into a deep scowl.

"Huey" He sighed before slowly opening his eyes. He knew his relaxation was over, but it was good while it lasted.

His maroon eyes shifted to the right of him to see his long time friend, Jasmine DuBois.

He and Jasmine met when he first moved into town. She lived across the street so it was easy for her to come over whenever she wanted. She was pretty, but annoyingly bubbly. She found the positive in every situation and cried entirely too much. Huey was the complete opposite. He was damn near heartless and could read a situation before it even happened. That's mainly why you rarely catch him in any drama.

"Why you here all alone?" She stood next to him before she ran her fingers across the carving on the tree.

It said Jasmine & Huey Friends 4ever.

Jasmine carved it herself when they were 8. Huey never acknowledged it, even though he secretly cherished it.

Huey remained quiet as he stared down at Woodcrest.

"What are you doing here?" He finally answered in a low, baritone voice. He was partially annoyed with her question, but he enjoyed her presence.

"I just wanted to check on you, make sure you're okay." Huey nodded before shifting his eyes to look at her.

Jasmine looked the somewhat the same as she did when they were kids. Minus her blossoming body, which Huey took obvious note of, she still had the same blonde curly hair, buttermilk skin, and emerald green eyes. She was shorter than Huey, her being 5'5 and him being 6'3.

Huey blossomed as well. His body taller and more muscular than ever. His Afro grew bigger, noticed with a slight beard that he always kept shaved down. You could still see the shadow, but Huey never minded.

"Thanks" He mumbled before he noticed a book in Jasmine's hand.

"I got you this." She handed him the book which was titled Roots by Alex Haley.

"I saw this and thought of you, hope you like it" Jasmine said nervously. Huey stared down at the book cover before holding the book at his side and turning back towards the neighborhood.

"I appreciate it" He said lowly before he started back towards his house. Jasmine was right at his side, damn near on his hip, which made him look at her strange.

She felt his stare before looking up to meet his eyes.

"What?" She started before she intertwined her arm with his. Huey grew extremely uncomfortable from this amount of physical contact.

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