Chapter 5

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I refused food, but not the advice of a doctor or wiseman who came to see me. I spent a few days solemnly staring out a slit in the tent towards the withered tree-lined edge of the camp. As much as I was prided to establish for the child's sake my mind was concerned elsewhere to my love.

"It is dangerous to refuse subsistence at this late a stage, milady." Fibanck said from my right, he had taken a seat, as well as begin to keep me company. "I will not force you yet, but I will insist."

"Take me to him. I want to see him today." I turned to look his way, moving my braid from my neck as it itched my exposed shoulder.

"Eat and I will consider it." He stood and gestured to the table, set with golden plates and bowls of simple food items; berries, dried meat and vegetables, boiled eggs and bread. Fibanck collected small portions from each plate or bowl and held out the full plate to me, holding my gaze. "Eat. I do not want to be responsible for an illness, your husband would have my head on a pike if anything became of you."

I finally took the plate and got up, sitting on the mat that served as my bed. Fibanck's eye followed me and waited until almost all of what he'd picked was gone. As much as I was satisfied over what I had eaten I had to admit that a part of me felt better than before, attributing the feeling to food I just sat back a while and took a rest.

Not too long after I was allowed to see Vlad,  but I had no plans of returning to the tent with Fibanck. My intentions were to remain at my husband's side, so we could be further at ease in the midst of each other's caring and over protective gaze.

The escort over consisted of eight guards and Fibanck himself. He could not let his soldiers feel as though if he were not there their recklessness could be tolerated. And to admit, it was better he was so cautious and insisting, I was afraid to walk on my own to see Vlad.

"Solin, you're back." Vlad lept to his feet and took my hands to lead me away from the sunlight that poured in through the opening. I kept my back to the sun and he positioned himself to embrace me tenderly in the shadows.

"I'm staying with you here. I cannot be left alone with Fibanck, I don't trust his attitudes or drinking." I whispered, my fingers tangling into his hair and grasping his shirt.

"Surley he won't allow this-"

"I don't care." I lifted my head from his chest and tilted his chin down so his eyes set on mine. "I need to be at your side. Every fiber of my body yearns to be here with you, to touch you, see you, nothing could prevent me from coming back. Besides, if he wanted me there so badly I'm sure you'd still manage to defend my honor."

"Of course, my love." He brushed my hair with his fingertips and smiled before our lips met. "Come, sit." Vlad turned and gestured to the poor excuse of a resting place; dull blankets and lazily straw stuffed mattress. With his hands to help I managed to get down on my knees and then sit  beside him, cradled against his chest; nuzzling his neck as I allowed my body to calm in his arms.

"Through inquiries I hear your brothers are alright, as well as the kingdom and people. When we return they should think we never left." Said Vlad, he rubbed my back firmly in small circles, once in a while massaging my neck ever so sparingly. Then he lowered his voice and leaned in closer to my ear. "I will get you out of here if it's the last thing I do on this Earth."

"It won't be the last thing." I turned and met his eyes, our noses touched in a soft nuzzle before I kissed his cheek. "You will be there to hold our child, teach it how to ride a horse, show him or her the great maps in the study. But please do not think that helping me to escape is going to be the last thing you ever do for me."

He nodded, kissed my forehead tenderly and rested his cheek on my head. I shut my eyes, reminiscing in the silence at his side. I felt Vlad's hand rub my side and then slip along to my belly, where he gently rubbed in small circles. Then there was a kick.

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