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Draco Malfoy was always a sensitive boy. Despite his bad boy façade, he really was a very caring person with a big heart. That's why when Harry Potter rejected his friendship, he was more hurt than anything. The hurt brought upon a lot of anger so he took it out on the other boy however, he never really liked being mean. Anyone who was close to him knew that.

So when he saw one Harry Potter was not at the returning feast, he began to wonder where he could be. He glanced at Weasley and Granger. They didn't seem fazed that he was gone at all. They even looked a little too relaxed that their best friend was not there. Draco furrowed his brow and turned to his best friend.

"Do you know where Potter is?" He asked. Blaise shook his head after taking a bite of his chicken.

"No but I heard that he was alone on the train today." Blaise told the blonde. Draco frowned at that. It was highly unusual that Potter was alone on the train. "Oh don't get that look, I know you want to go look for him."

"He could be hurt, Blaise." Draco told the darker boy. Blaise just gave him a look and rolled his eyes.

"I know you have this complex but it's not your business." Blaise replied and Draco sneered.

"I do not have a complex!" He retorted but Blaise wasn't having any of it.

"Do you remember in our fourth year when Potter got entered into the tournament? Do you remember what you said me?" When Draco shook his head, Blaise grinned. "You said 'Oh no Blaise, he is way too young for something like that, I hope Dumbledore lets him out of it'." Draco flushed. He had said that and he remembered being incredibly upset that he had to compete.

"Okay fair enough, I did say that." Draco sighed and chewed on his lip. He was silent enough for Blaise to groan.

"Fine go ahead, go look for him." Blaise sighed in defeat and Draco grinned because he won. He hopped up and then left the Great Hall.

He checked the abandoned bathroom first knowing that Potter went in there on occasion. He knew the boy couldn't be in the Gryffindor tower because he wouldn't have the password. When he didn't see him in the bathroom, he decided to check the astronomy tower because Draco himself knew that's where he would go. He enjoyed the solitude of being up so high.

He climbed the steps and was not entirely surprised to see Potter was there but he WAS surprised to see him hanging near the edge.

"Potter!" Draco gasped and Potter jumped in fright.

"Fuck." The boy cursed. "Leave Malfoy, I can't do this if you're here!" He cried.

"What are you going to do?" Draco asked stepping closer to the boy.

"I-I can't do t-this Malfoy." Potter sobbed. "I-I d-don't want to go back."

"Potter, what are you talking about?" Draco demanded.

"T-they hate m-me." Potter cried. "I-I c-can't go back." Draco stepped closer to the boy. "I-I don't wanna."

"Potter step down." Draco advised.

"N-no. I-I c-cant."

"Step down! Tell me what's going on." Draco was worried that Potter wouldn't listen to him so he grabbed the back of his robe. Potter had no choice but to step down and once he did, he pulled away from Draco, lied on the floor and curled into a sobbing ball.

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