Love youself first

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Love yourself before someone loves you,

Please my dear, listen, for its true!

Dont fall for the first that looks your way,

If you wear your heart on you'll sleve,

Then I promise you'll pay!

Dont look for love, love looks for you,

Dont walk along and try to catch their eyes,

For I know you stay awake all night,

You wonder why your sleeping alone,

In a place you cant hardly bare to call your home,

For home is not where you cry by yourself,

Home is where your tears are shared,

To suffer this sadness alone, thats not fair,

I know how you look in the mirror everyday,

Crying at your reflection, begging for it to change,

I know how you dress for people that dont care,

I know how depressed you are when no one is there,

Please, love yourself and I promise then they'll care!

Love yourself first, for if you dont love you,

Then how can you expect anyone else to?

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