Chapter 34 (Valentine's Day Special: part 4)

Start from the beginning

Being the good girl I am, I only had two-three shots, unlike Austin.

"Just *hiccup* one last sip." He says as I pulled him off from the sofa, and the second he got up, he comes closer to me and raises his arms towards my face, almost placing them in my cheek, but then something struck him because he backed away in the realization of something.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm your-" He attempts to drink from the bottle when I was about to speak, and I chuckle while I snatch the bottle away from him, placing it on the table by the sofa.

"Hey!" He whines. "Give me my vodka!"

"Not for you." I hiss. He just looks at me like a sad puppy, and I bet he was trying to convince me in that way, but I was smart enough to not give him his vodka.

"Please?" He pouted, looking at me with puppy eyes, and I shake my head while giggling.

He then attempts to kiss me, but then backs away once again and says, "Excuse me, but I'm not going to cheat on my girlfriend." He pauses for a second and then says "I love her."

Did I just hear him right? Did he just confess his love for me? It could be the alcohol talking, but you never know.

"Austin, I'm your girlfriend." I smile. "What did you just say?"

"Glad to know." He says. "I said that I- never mind. It was nothing."

Why is he waving it off as it was no big deal?

"Um, okay." I shrug. I then help him into the bedroom and on the bed. He suddenly drifts off to a heavy sleep, and I head out back in the living room to clean everything up.


"Austin, give me the cookies," I demand.

"Who has cookies in the morning?" He says as he takes a bite of the cookie that's in his hand.

"Then why are you eating one?" I ask.

"My house, my rules." He smirks as he took another bite.

"You're so annoying," I growl before opening the fridge and finding something else to eat.

I take out some butter, close the fridge and bread from a cupboard. I put the bread to toast and stare at Austin, who is purposely eating the cookies in my face, making my mouth water.

"Could you at least not eat in my face?"

"Yeah, I'll have another one." He says as he takes a bite from another cookie.

"Ugh!" I groan.

"Geez, princess. There's more than cookies to eat you know."

"Says the man who lives on cookies." I huff.

"Okay, fine. You can have my cookies." He hands the box of cookies and I smile at him before taking a bite.

"Thanks," I say with a mouthful of cookies and Austin chuckles.

"Hey, um...what happened last night?" Austin asked shyly.

I explain everything that happened after he got drunk from the point where he didn't recognize me and thought he was going to cheat on me, to the point where he fell asleep in the bedroom.

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