Change of Heart

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*Lux Tenebris 10 years after arrival*
It had been months since his death. If we measured time here then I'm sure I would know it down to the second. One thing I did know though was that there wasn't one second that passed that I didn't think of him. Of his smile, or his eyes, or his voice, usually though it was his laugh. I loved him. I still love him.
I knew that he wouldn't want me to be bitter towards anyone. He would want me to move forward. He would want me to be forgiving. He would want me to stay the same, to not let his death change who I am. But I couldn't, I wasn't a forgiving person. I loved him, and I would do anything to get him back to me.
There had to be a way, I knew it. There had to be some crazed witch out there who found a cure for death. If there was, I would find it. I had to. I couldn't live without him. He was the light to my dark. The moon to my stars.  The Ricky to my Lucy.
I spent years searching for a way to get him back. I traveled the world and every island to find a way to resurrect him. I searched through every light and dark magic book I could find. I interviewed every witch and wizard I could bring to light. It seemed like all hope was lost, until Rumplestiltskin.
I had heard of him before. In fairytales and legends. I knew that I would have to trade him something. I didn't care though, I was willing to do anything. I was willing to give anything up.
I traveled to the enchanted forest in my most regal clothes. I wore a black corset with a long matching skirt that had a slit on the right side, the necklace that Lunam gave to me, and black heeled boots that reached my knees. I traveled through every corner of the forest until I finally caught word that he might be found near the castle.
I finally discovered him in a little hut near the daunting home of the evil queen. I didn't care if I was wrong about his location, I just barged in. "Rumplestiltskin! Are you here?" I yelled.
"It is my home darling," answered a scaly man. He wasn't what I expected. He looked almost like a crocodile and the seemingly crocodile skin clothing he wore did not help matters. "Oh! I know you!" He said in a high voice. "Your Deava! The one whose dear love, Lunam tragically died," he unsympathetically assessed me. "I know why your here!"
"If you know why I'm here then give me what I want," I stated coldly.
"Oh I'm afraid it's not that easy. First you must give me what I want," he giggled.
"And what might that be, hmmm?" I inquired.
       "Why I would love to have that wonderful necklace of yours," he smiled an unsettling smile.
       "Really?" I laughed.
       "Why yes! That necklace is much more powerful than you think!"
I briefly wondered what he meant by that, but I quickly let the thought leave my mind as I unhooked the piece of jewelry from around my neck. "No, no, no. I've heard of your tricks. Give me what I want first." I warned keeping the necklace in my hands.
       "Oh your a smart one! Here you are," he handed me an old, heavy, and black leather bound book. I then gave him my necklace and left.
       All thoughts of the necklace left my mind as I skipped through the forests with the book in tow. In my excitement I almost forgot about all of the unspeakable things I had done to get into that position. None of them mattered, not anymore, because now I could have him back. Now I could rule with my love beside me.
       As soon as I reached my castle of a home I went to my room and opened the book to discover what the first ingredient might be:
The blood of a follower of the night.
This stupid thing spoke in riddles! That was Lunam's thing, not mine! I had to at least try. It took me a long time, but at last things started to come together.
       Lunam was the Son of the Skies. I was the Daughter of Darkness. If you put the skies and darkness together you obviously get the night. Who is someone that "follows" us. We had many followers, but now we only had one. Magi.
       I decided to invite Magi to an extravagant dinner that was provided by what small kitchen staff we had. I only had to wait for about ten minutes before Magi showed up right on time. "Hello Magi. Sit," I motioned to the seat at the other end of the long dining room table.
       "Hello Deava. How are you?" She asked as she sat down in the chair and crossed her legs.
       "I'm fine, and you?" It was unusual for our conversations to to be this emotionless. Usually we were always animated. She was my best friend on the island, and now seemingly my only friend. I didn't care. Nothing in me could care. I was beyond that. I needed Lunam, and to get him I needed her dead.
       "Great. How did your meeting with Rumplestiltskin go?" In her voice was the unmistakable sense of a hope for a true conversation.
       "Good." I didn't want a conversation. All I wanted was a chance to strike.
       "Did he, you know, give you a way to get Lunam back?" She pressed.
       "Yeah, he did."
       "Look Deava, you need to stop obsessing over this. You need to move on. I'll bring any boy want to the island, and you can start over together! If we're being honest, I never really liked him all that much. He was too much of a delinquent," Magi laughed.
       No one insulted Lunam. Even if it was just a joke. I didn't care how much they hated each other. I didn't care if she was my best friend. I didn't care if he had insulted her. I couldn't even bring myself to care that she was the only person that I had left. I clutched my silver table knife in my right hand and went for her. My mind went blank. I didn't even register my movements or surroundings until I found deep scarlet blood pouring from her chest as she lay on the floor with me on my knees beside her. I didn't feel horror. I didn't feel fear. I only felt rage.
Suddenly Magi started to laugh. It wasn't an amused laugh or even a menacing laugh. It was almost indescribable. It was the laugh of a madman. "You finally did it. I knew you weren't a coward, I knew-" she let out between laughs and gasps for breath. She attempted to finish multiple times before she let out one last breath as her eyes glazed over.
I kept a straight face. I didn't cry. I didn't smile. I didn't care. I gathered a vial of her deeply red colored blood, exactly like the recipe instructed, and rose to my feet as I walked through the huge black doors.
"Guards," I addressed two of the only guards that I cared to find after the last batch were wiped out by Syren's armies.
"Yes, miss?" One of them asked as they both bowed.
"There's a mess in the dining room. Clean it up, please," I told them as I walked away.

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