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       Regina arrived in my room at 3:00 sharp carrying with her a basket of apples. She wore a plain black pantsuit with the jacket unbuttoned, a red blouse, silver chain necklace with a charm at the end, black heels, and overall looked the same as she had the last time I saw her. Syren had pulled two chairs up to the bed on opposite sides for each of them to sit on. Regina then walked to the chair on the left side of the bed.
       "Hey Brooklyn," Regina said softly, reaching out to take my hand.
       "Actually if you don't mind I'd rather be called by my real name, London."
"Oh of course that's such a beautiful name!"
"Thank you, my mother came up with it," I replied smiling bashfully. 
       "Anyway, how are you doing?" Asked Regina politely.
       "Well, pretty good, only Syren refuses to go get me a soda from the vending machine."
       "There not good for you!" Syren defended herself.
      "So what," I said uncaringly.
       "Bro-London," Regina corrected herself, "I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you before- well you know."
       "It's fine, really," I reassured her, "trust me I would have done the same thing to myself."
       "That still doesn't make it ok, and I apologize for my actions."
      "Thank you Regina."
       "Do you really want a soda," Syren said randomly after an odd silence.
       "Yes!" I almost yelled.
       "Fine then, I'll get you one. It's not my fault though if the doctor gets upset," Syren said walking out the door.
       "How are you doing, really?" Regina asked quietly leaning in.
       "I told you I'm fine," I reassured her smiling an unconvincing smile.
       "I've lied enough in my life to know when someone's doing it."
       "I, uh, I had this vision of sorts."
       "And, what happened in this 'vision'?" Regina urged me on.
      "I was in the woods and a figure with a long cape with the hood hiding their face was chasing me. All of a sudden they push me against a tree and took off their hood to revel their face that looked exactly like me. I asked her to tell me who she was, but all she could say was it started with a D before I snapped out of it." I recalled, the vision running through it in my head along the way.
"Do you have any idea who she was?"
"None at all." I answered shaking my head no.
"Have you seen her again?"
"Not yet."
       With that Syren returned with a bottle of beautiful caramel colored liquid gold. She then threw the bottle towards me and it landed in my lap.
       "Seriously, now it'll explode!" I responded angrily.
       "Sorry," Syren replied sarcastically.
       "I'm just going to open it in the bathroom," Regina tried to stop me but I was already gone. I walked towards the sink, my IV dragging close behind. I pried open the bottle, and sure enough the bottle did explode. I washed off the sides of the bottle then set it down onto the sink and started to wash my hands, looking at my reflection in the mirror while doing so. All of a sudden my reflection started to morph into the same smirking figure from my vision.
       "Hello," the woman said waving her hand with fake kindness.
       "Who are you," I whispered, hoping that Syren and Regina wouldn't hear.
       "Oh London I'm hurt, I thought you would remember me, you did set me free after all." I wanted to ask more questions, but before I could the figure smirked and disappeared, leaving me to stare at my own gaping figure.
       I walked back into the room still in a daze. I tried to focus on visiting but all I could think about was that women.
Who did I set free? What did I set free?
       It had been a few days since I was discharged from the hospital. Syren had arranged for me to stay at the inn while she stayed by the sea where she lived. Syren had also helped me complete my new wardrobe ("You can't just wear the same outfit every day!"). I had yet to see the figure again, at least while I was awake. It seemed that every night she would come to me in my dreams, more like nightmares.
Every night it was the same. She would chase me and I would get close enough to ask her who she was. However then she would simply laugh and I would wake up in a sweat. I was afraid I truly was going insane.
One morning I woke up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower, like I did every morning. I finished, picked out my clothes, changed, and went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I stared into my hunter green top, jeans, and knee high brown lace up boot clad reflection then ducked down to spit out my toothpaste. However when I came back up it wasn't my reflection staring back at me, it was the dark figure that I had come to know so well.
The conversation started out the same, she would wave and say hello and then I would ask who she was. I expected her to disappear after this question, like always, but this time was different. She actually answered.
"Me," she pointed to her self and laughed the same menacing laugh, "well, I have many names. Witch, Daughter of Darkness, more specifically Deava."
"What are you? What do you want from me?"
"Woah, slow down sweetie," her American accent warned, "I am human, only a magical and more twisted version of one, I still am human. As for what I want from you, you are my vessel, I need to live inside of you, and I will, whether you like it or not. Believe it or not I am half inside of you right now, that's why you've been seeing me more, why you can't sleep at night without me coming to you in your dreams, and why I am all you can think about anymore."
"You can't do this!"
"Oh my darling, I already have."

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