100 Truths

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Wow its a new chapter hello folks

so like two years ago i did a 100 truths and this is the updated version eyyyyyy waddup

also hi can u fave this thank

1) Real Name: Esmee Kuiper
2) Nickname: Meeke
3) Favourite Colour: Blue
4) Male or Female: Female
5) Elementary School: (This works different in holland)
6) Middle School: (This works different in holland)
7) High School/Academy: I'm in highschool aye
8) College: Not there yet
9) Hair:  vvvvv Short blonde hair 
10) Tall or Short: 173,5 cm  5.67585302 feet 
11) Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
12) Phone or Camera: phone
13) Health Freak: nah fam its good
14) Oranges or Apples: oranges
15) Do you have a crush on someone: ye
16) Guy Friends or Girl Friends: Both woo
17) Piercings: only earrings
18) Pepsi or Coke: Coke
19) Have you ever been on an airplane: Yes
20) Been in a relationship: visit my 'esmees love life' book for a detailed answer but yes i have had boyfriends
21) Been in a car accident: No
22) Been in a first fight: No
23) Best Friends: vv many wooe and the trashbag imacrybaby 
24) First Award: Probably some batmintom medal idk
25) First Crush: a dude in my class in like the third year of primary school idk
26) First Word: Mama (Dutch for mom)
27) Any Talents: I can draw, seal, good with computers, photoshop, I cAn COOK U A DELICIOUS MEAL, playing ukelele
28) Last person you talked to: my sister probs
29) Last person you text: Mike wooeo (hello)
30) Last person you watched a movie with: myself on valentinesday it was fun i had such joy of being alone you would even begin to understand
31) Last thing you ate: some cookies 
32) Last movie/show you watched: Doctor who
33) Last song you listened to: Moves like jagger - maroon 5
34) Last thing you bought: A t-shirt 
35) Last person you hugged: BENJAMIN :D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D: (im not even sorry)
36) Food: Roti
37) Drink: Mango juice
38) Bottoms: Black jeans 
39) Flower(s): daisies 
40) Animal: Dog :D
41) Person: Tyler Joseph
42) Movie: Mail cop 3  
42,5) Series: Sherlock / Doctor who
43) Subject: Art

Have you ever?
44) Fallen in love: what is love (baby dont hurt me)
45) Celebrated Halloween: Yes
46) Went over test: Yes, aren't you mean to?
47) Been Heartbroken: No
48) Has somebody liked you: I think so
49) Hated how someone changed: Yes
50) Got PG: In case it means pregnant, no.  In case it means Parental guidance, I HAVE WRITTEN SMUT OOPS
51) Had an abortion: No!
52) Did something you regret: I regret my existence
53) Broken a promise: Yes
54) Hidden a secret: Many.. Many
55) Pretended to be happy: Yes
56) Met somebody who changed your life: Yes
57) Left the country: Yes
58) Pretended to be sick: yes lol 
59) Did something you normally wouldn't do and liked it: my last answer was socialise but its true oop
60) Cried over the silliest of things: Yes
61) Ran a mile: ya kms
62) Gone to the beach with a friend: Yes
63) Gotten into an argument with a friend: ofc
64) Dislike someone: I dislike 90% of the human race <-- still true
65) Been single forever or been single for two years after having a bf/gf: No
66) Eating: Nothing bc I'm in bed now
67) Drinking: coffee
68) Listening to: SexyBack - justin timberlake (OK I JUST LIKE 00's music ok its not all what i listen but like i am listening to a playlist)
69) Sitting or lying: Lying
70) Plans for today: sleep lol
71) Waiting for: death
72) Wants kids: yes
73) Want to get married: Yes
74) Want to travel: CANADA WOOOEO
In a Partner
75) Lips or Eyes: Eyes
76) Shorter or Taller: Idc honestly
77) Younger or Older: IDC
78) Romantic or Spontaneous: ILL TAKE ANYONE
79) Trouble maker or hesitant: IM DESPERATE
80) Hookup or Relationship: Relationship
81)Looks or personality: Personality definitely
Have you ever Part 2
82) Lost glasses: Yes
83) Snuck out the house: Yes
84) Held a gun or knife in self defence: Nope
85) Killed someone: Only in games
86) Broken someones heart: I hope not
87) Been in love: No
88) Broken a bone: No
89) Cried when someone died: Yes
Belive in
90) Yourself: yes man i can do shit but i fuck up shit this is my struggle
91) Miracles: yes
92) Love at first sight: probs not
93) Heaven: no???2 iDk???
94) Santa: nah fam sinterklaas all the way
95) Aliens: I'm sure there must be SOME kind of other being on another planter SOMEWHERE!
96) Ghosts/Angels: Ghosts
97) Is there someone you want to be with right now: yes
98) Know who your real friends are: yes
99) Do you believe in god(s): only in the miracle oF LIFe OH nO WAIT EVERYONE DIES AND WE ALL ARE FACING INEVETABLE DEATH 
Last of all
100) Post this as 100 truths: boom

lol oops

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