Chapter 2-Where did you come from?

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Chapter 2- Where Did You Come From?

March 6, Sunday

Did not get any sleep last night. I kept hearing Sarah talking to something. Probably to that freaky Flopsy doll of hers. Then I woke up this morning to find all my clothes that were hanging in my closet was now strewn across my bedroom floor. My first thought was Sarah had decided to play dress-up with my clothes or something, but then I remembered that she knows better then to mess up my room or use my clothes without permission. So now I am stumped as of what it could be. I do get the weird feeling that this house has secrets that we are bound to discover soon. I'm not for sure that I want to though-End of Second Journal Entry-

Loraine was putting her journal back in her dresser drawer when a loud pounding noise on her door scared her, in her panic she slipped on a black blouse on the floor and threw her journal at the intruder. Her mom held her head trying to understand what was happening.

"Loraine, may I ask why your room is a mess and why I just got a notebook hurled at my head?"

"Sorry mom, you scared me when you knocked and I didn't know who you were so I threw the journal to protect myself, and about the room...I have no idea why my clothes are everywhere. I woke up this morning and my room was like this." Loraine had a very confused look as she got to her feet and retrieved her journal from her angry-looking mom.

"Breakfast is ready and I want this room spotless by the end of the day!"

"Yes ma'am, it will be I promise."

Melissa stomped off furious at her daughter. Loraine stood there in shock, "I have never seen my mom so angry before. I wonder if something creepy happened to her too." And with her words echoing around her she picked up and rehung her clothes.


Melissa raced up the stairs to Sarah's room. Throwing open her youngest daughter's door, she grabbed Sarah and checked for cuts and bruises, but saw nothing.

"What is it Sarah? Calm down." Sarah was squirming and crying in her mother's arms.

Sarah stopped and pointed to her bed, "Flopsy is missing!! She was on my bed last night and when I woke up she was gone!" Sarah burst into hysterics.

"Calm down Sweetie, we will find her. Maybe she fell on the floor, did you check under the bed?"

"Flopsy told me never to look under my bed."

"What do you mean Flopsy told you to never look under your bed?" Melissa was curious and a little afraid to know the answer to her question.

"She said that I didn't need to know what was under there , but she told me to never look under my bed. She said that yours and Sissy's beds are fine to look under, but not mine. She told me that mine has secrets." All this time Sarah was whispering , and Melissa wasn't sure why she was , but she knew that something strange was happening in this house. Just this morning she woke up and began cooking breakfast, but just when she was slicing the spam into thin strips, the stove top lit and was turned to high. 'A gas stove does not just light itself,' Melissa thought to herself while looking around the kitchen for a reasonable explaination. After noticing she was the only one in the kitchen, she began to panic, but cut off the stove top's burner and returned to the spam. It didn't happen again so she decided to just ignore it and blame it on the stove being old.

"Well Sarah, I don't see Flopsy anywhere in your room. Are you sure she was in here last night? You didn't have her downstairs or in the bathroom? After brushing your teeth, you didn't leave her in there did you?"

"No ma'am, she was right here!" Sarah yelled while pointing at the right side of her bed.

"Okay calm down let's go eat some breakfast and maybe she will pop up somewhere okay?" Melissa was very worried now at her daughter's new found anger. She has never even threw a tantrum in her life. Now she is having these fits of rage?

Robert was down in the garage putting his tools away and jaming out to Bob Segar's Old Time Rock and Roll song, when the garage door started opening. With a confused look, he searched for the door opener button. Thinking maybe he accidentally danced into it, but noticed that the button was on the other side on the garage, 'I couldn't have hit it all the way over there.' He walked over to the bright red button and pushed it, watching as the garage door obeyed and closed. He kept waiting for it to happen again, but it never did. He decided that the button probably has a short in it and he would check further into it later.

Loraine decided to ask her parents over breakfast if anything weird has happened to them. But as she was about to bring it up to them, Sarah screamed, "Flopsy, there you are!!"

Everyone looked at Sarah and then in the direction she was looking. Sure enough laying there on the cold hardwood floor, directly underneath the wooden archway that leads into the kitchen was Sarah's freaky Flopsy doll.

"Mom, I walked through there just a few minutes ago and that doll was NOT there."

Melissa just stared at the doll in shock she had been in the kitchen pretty much all day and she too knew that that doll had not been sitting there this whole time. She leaned in close to whisper to her husband, "Honey, did you find Sarah's doll and put her there?"

Robert paused with his fork near his mouth, "No Cupcake, I can't say that I did." Then he returned to eating his meal.

Loraine read her parents lips and knew that 'Flopsy' had to have appeared there all by herself, but -Loraine thought to herself- dolls just can't get up and walk.

Sarah returned to the table with doll in hand. The biggest smile she has ever had glued to her face as she gobbled down her breakfast with a new found hunger.

Loraine stared at her sister and began to really think, 'There is something going on in this house of horrors and the only one that knows is Sarah. As long as she is safe from the odd happenings I guess I could deal with the silly pranks whatever's here is trying to pull on us. You know maybe the thing messing with us is just a little girl's spirit that couldn't leave this awful place.' As Loraine thought to herself her parents sat there talking and laughing like nothing had happened, they decided that Sarah was playing with the doll pretending she was lost or something logical like that.

After all the crazy things happened that morning the rest of the day was dull and boring, nothing but unpacking was done. And whatever was messing with them had stopped, or did it...?


A/N: Hey readers hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. I am having a blast writing it. Oh and the doll's name was suppost to be 'Flopsy'not 'Floppy' I realized that I was putting it in wrong or spell check hates me lol. She is based on a real doll my cousin had named Flopsy that came alive and scared me, my sister, and my cousin while we were there. She ended up getting locked in the closet when we were younger and now I think somebody finally got rid of her. Either way I'm glad she's gone. If you would like to know what she did to us please inbox me and I'd love to tell you.

Please keep reading so you can find out the secrets that haunt this house and who is doing the odd things around the house, is it a spirit or is it one of them? Go ahead leave me a comment and tell me what YOU think it is...

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