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It was a rainy Saturday morning, Star was busy playing with the laser puppy's while Marco was in his room. He wasn't feeling well. He had been acting very weird after there latest encounter with Eclipsa. She had captured Star and Marco had to come save her. Marco had freed Star and told her to help the others escape from the city. But what happened after she left was less of a fight. Eclipsa told Marco his fate, what was going to happen weather he liked it or not that he would die at the hand of Star. He was Shocked by this statement He yelled at Her that Star would never do that. Eclipsa only smiled and walked away. Marco kept repeating the hole thing in his head over and over through the day while in his room. He didn't want Star to see how scared he was. She need him to be strong for her, she had way to much problems going on. So he kept her out of the loop. After what felt like years he finished calming down and came out to say hi to star...

He came out slowly walking up to Star's room, but she wasn't there we started to get worried as he looked all over the house but he couldn't find her he was panicking now. He ran outside and saw her, she was sitting on the roof staring up at the stars. Marco went back inside and climbed onto the roof. When he looked at Star he saw she was crying, he panic, trying to calm down star but he couldn't so he decided to kiss her.

The End of Marco....Where stories live. Discover now