Bonus Chapter - Always Watching

Start from the beginning

Bilbo was up to the task of being Cece’s subject. She went with a basic portrait, which required Bilbo to sit still. Let me tell you, it was a task for him. He kept feeling the urge to scratch his nose; he wrinkled it every time it itched. I giggled every time, remembering he used to do that as a teenager. Some habits never faded.

I knew Cece didn’t feel my presence, because she surely would have, with how close I was hovering over her, watching her skillfully sketch. I wished I was alive to see this. But, my death was the reason Cece was drawing. She probably wouldn’t have adopted this pastime had it not been for me dying.

It seemed Bilbo had found something to make him drift off into space, because he had this blank look in his eyes. He was statue-still, perfect for Cecelia to draw. The scary thing was that his brown eyes were looking in the area I was in, near Cece.

Is it possible that he…? No, he can’t. Nobody can see me. I was saddened by this harsh truth. Nobody could see me, even if I wanted them to. I didn’t possess the ability, and I doubt I ever would. After all, it wasn’t like I was a Wizard. Maybe if I was, I could show myself to others.

But of course, I’m a Hobbit, and that’s all I’ll ever be. A Hobbit and a ghost now, a ghost that watched those she cared about continue their lives without her.

My focus was on Bilbo’s blank eyes rather than Cece’s drawing. I had wondered what happened after I died that day. I didn’t see how the rest of the adventure panned out, because I had been somewhere else entirely, a place I couldn’t really recall. I was happy to be back in the Shire, able to see those I wanted to.

I wondered how long it would be before my visit would expire. I had to go to the afterlife sometime, if it existed. What if this was my afterlife, roaming Middle-earth forever, watching those around me age and eventually join me? I shuddered at the thought. All dead souls had to go somewhere; they couldn’t just remain floating around in the world…could they?

It seemed like the portrait took hours, because that’s how long Bilbo had that stare that I swore was directed at me. Like he stared at nothing, I stared at him that entire time.

“There. Done,” Cecelia chirped two hours later. Light beads of sweat trickled down her forehead. “You were quite a challenge, I’ll admit.”

“Let me see.” Bilbo slid out of the chair, peeking over my sister’s shoulder. He examined her work. I did as well, occupying her empty side. It was very accurate; she had a pretty good handle on the craft in those years she learned. It was only of him from the neck up, but still, the detail…

“You can have it, if you like it that much.” She smiled up at him. She looked down at her work. “I’ve done some of her, too.”

This sparked my interest along with Bilbo’s. “You have?” I expected Cecelia to draw anything but me when she took up the craft.

“Yes. It’s hard to forget what your own sister looks like. If I remember, the next time I visit, I’ll bring you some.”

How close they were drove me insane. I wanted them to be intimate, really, I did. They both had been such a perfect match for each other when they were younger. I had always joked they would get married. After all, I had already considered Bilbo the twin brother I never had when we were younger, we were so alike back then. It’s funny, because Cece had always teased me that Bilbo and I would end up together and married, because we were the same. I think that was the reason why I never went past friendship with him.

Hmm…I wonder. Feeling curious, and a little mischievous, I slunk behind Bilbo, trying to figure out the best method to get these two to kiss. Hey, they would never know it was me.

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