The Impossible Planet - Two

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Door 16 out of commission. The computer repeated

"The earthquake. This section collapsed." He explained, Rose not believing him tried to give him some hope.

"But it's got to be out there somewhere." She looked through the porthole not seeing anything but rock.

"Look down." He told her. She did so and saw nothing, pitch black nothingness, the Doctor ran back the way they had come passing Rita standing there guilty not knowing what to do or say.

He reached the control room and the Doctor starting speaking fast and practically begging Zach. "The ground gave way. My Tardis must've fallen down right into the heart of the planet. But you've got robot drills heading the same way."

Zach knew what the Doctor was asking and automatically declined. "We can't divert the drilling."

"But I need my ship. It's all I've got. Literally the only thing." He begged Zach.

"Doctor, we've only got the resources to drill one central shaft down to the power source, and that's it. No diversions, no distractions, no exceptions. Your machine is lost. All I can do is offer you a lift if we ever get to leave this place, and that is the end of it." He walked off leaving the control room.

"I'll er, put you on the duty roster. We need someone in the laundry." She walked off not liking the awkward situation she was currently in seeing the anger on the Doctor's face.

Open door 1. Close door 1.

"You knew didn't you," He said not looking at Rita who was standing not facing him. He didn't sound angry... he sounded soft and calm.

"Yeah, I did" She slowly nodded.

"And you blame yourself. " He told her already knowing that she was blaming herself. "Don't" He said pausing for a moment. "It's a fixed point that you couldn't have changed, the TARDIS would have just ended up on one of the other 3 storages causing the TARDIS to still be lost." She didn't reply and only walked off. He sighed to himself.

"She'll listen, Doctor, she just needs time" Rose whispered looking at the brunette for a moment.

"It's always time" He groaned. "I've trapped you here."

"No, don't worry about me." She told him just before the room slightly shook.

"Okay, we're on a planet that shouldn't exist, under a black hole and no way out. Yeah, I've changed my mind. Start worrying about me." The Doctor pulled her into a hug, he couldn't help but stare at the door Rita exited through compleatly ignoring the room shaking around him.

She felt guilty and wasn't listening to him, Rose said that she would listen and need time, but how much? How long until she'd listen and won't blame herself for them being stuck? She knew that they got out of it alive and back on the TARDIS but she knew what happened next, she knows what happens after the Olympic games and meeting Chloe Webber. She didn't want to say goodbye to Rose they had become such great friends, but she wanted to meet Donna and Martha and see Shakespeare and all those amazing things in the universe that she hadn't seen yet. But could she? Could Rita Stone live with knowing the pain and suffering both the Doctor and Rose Tyler would have to go, though? Best mates dare her even say lovers split apart in two two different universes, never to be seen again.

Of course there was Donna and the Meta-crisis where she would see the blonde again if she was still traveling with the Doctor unless he hated her for not telling him what happened to Rose and allowing it to happen to her, he would probably try and take her back to her universe, if the TARDIS could get to Pete's world then he could take her back to her world.

Parallel: From Another World [1] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now