Chapter Twelve: Meetings and Beginnings

Start from the beginning

Albus looked slightly alarmed and then told Severus and Minerva to sit down. "Start from the beginning and tell me what happened."

Severus took a deep breath and recounted the events leading up to when Daylan told him the reason for all of the beatings.

"He kept saying that the reason that his uncle was beating him was that he was a freak and he did 'the Bad Thing' and when I asked him if he could show me what the Bad Thing was he turned into a Bloody Wolf Pup! I was so shocked that I just sat there and he took thought that I was disgusted with him and took off running in his puppy form. Minerva and I have searched the entire castle and cannot find him. I am too afraid to even thing what could have happened if he managed to get out of the castle." Severus said his voice shaking with fear and panic.

"I don't think that you have to worry about that." Said a voice from beside him. Severus jumped. He hadn't even known there was someone else in the office.

Minerva smiled, "Jocelyn I didn't know that you where going to come so soon." She said to her daughter, and then frowned at what she had just said.

"What do you mean? I don't think that you realize how dangerous the Forbidden Forest is."

Jocelyn smiled at her mother and then looked at the man sitting beside her. " He wouldn't happen to be pure black and have the oddest shaped patch of white on his forehead with brilliant green eyes would he?" She asked slightly amused at confused expression on the man's face. When he nodded she continued. " On my way up here he literally ran into me so I picked him up and brought him up here with me thinking that he belonged to a student or one of the staff."

"Where is he?" Severus asked relieved that nothing had happened to his son.

"He was right beside me but it seems that he is probably hiding right now." Jocelyn said smiling.

Severus glanced around the room but couldn't spot his son. He suddenly had a great idea. He knew exactly how to show Daylan that he had done nothing wrong. Severus stood up abruptly and then with out a word he shifted into his animagus form, an adult black wolf with piercing black eyes. Raising his nose he sniffed the air delicately trying to pinpoint where Daylan was hiding. Following his son's scent he found him curled up in a ball in a darkened corner his tail tucked between his legs. With out any hesitation he licked his son on the nose and then gently picked him up by the scruff of the neck with his powerful jaws. He carried him over in front of the chair that he had been sitting in set him down softly and then shifted back into his human form. Several seconds went by before Daylan shifted back into the black haired little boy and then launched himself into his father's lap sobbing like it was the end of the world.

Albus watched Severus cradle the small boy in his arms and begin rocking slowly back and forth. "Well since we are all in here now. I suppose that introductions are to be made." Albus smiled at Minerva.

"Severus this is Minerva's daughter, Jocelyn McGonagall." He said and then turned toward Jocelyn. "And Jocelyn, this is Severus Snape and his son Daylan. Daylan is the young child that your mother had written to you about."

Severus glanced up at the woman and was struck at exactly how much she resembled Lucius. It was without a doubt that the woman sitting beside him had Malfoy blood running through her veins. The shit would definitely hit the fan if some one would ever see her and realize exactly who her father was.

Albus Dumbledore stood looking out his window at a complete loss at what to make of the past several days events. First Minerva's daughter Jocelyn shows up almost a week earlier than what she said in her response letter.

And when she does show up it is in perfect time to rescue Daylan. Who at the time was a wolf puppy running around the school trying to keep away from his father, for the simple reason that Daylan feared that his father was going to reject him for his unusual ability. Albus shook his head slightly in amazement; Daylan was a remarkable child.

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