A Long Time Coming

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"Pearl!" A harsh and familiar voice called out to me. I jumped, knocking over my bucket filled with dirty water all over the floor I had just cleaned. I had not expected her this early. "Yes ma'am?" I asked trying to hold in my sigh while trying my best to mop up the water. Mrs Petunia my employer, walked towards me after coming to a halt at the edge of the filthy water that now covered both the floor and myself. "Heavens girl! What is this mess? I pay you to clean, not to make my house worse!" She said looking down at me with a sneer on her pinched face. Inwardly I scoffed, she only pays me a few coins a day, that's hardly paying me. "Clean this mess up then come find me, I have something to tell you." Mrs. Petunia said while briskly turning in a circle and storming off. My heart started pounding while dread trickled into my heart. By the time I finished cleaning up the floor, again, my heart felt like it was a thousand pounds. I walked outside to dump the water that now was so clouded if I had stuck my hand in I wouldn't have been able to see it at the bottom. I set down the bucket reassuring myself that nothing was wrong, she simply wanted to tell me that I wasn't worthy of a job like this. She had done so many times, but only after the end of the day when I had finished all the work she had ordered me to do. Never had she asked to talk with me while the sun was so high in the sky. Biting on my lip while wiping my hands on my soiled dress I opened the back door to Mrs. Petunia's estate letting it slam shut. Breathe Pearl, whatever happens you will be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. I mentally tried to give myself a pep talk, unsuccessfully might I add. After what seemed like hours I made it to her sitting room where she was reading a novel and drinking her mid afternoon tea. After hearing me enter the room she put down her book and addressed me coldly. "Stay off the carpet, I don't want your filthy shoes to soil my beautiful rug." Looking down I noticed that I had indeed been about to step on the carpet and that my shoes were absolutely dusty and were hanging on by a thread. I bit back my pride. "Terribly sorry ma'am, I wouldn't to ruin your exquisite rug." I said looking down at the rug that definitely
had seen better days. No matter how much she wished it, she would never be the lady she once was. After her husband died he left her in horrible debt, she barely paid it off, keeping a sparse amount of furniture and just a few maids. She loved to brag on how she was so much better than us street rats when she was barely keeping herself afloat and off the streets. "Ehem" her curt voice took me out of my thoughts. "I'm afraid that I have to let you go." I stared at her, my expression blank. "What?" My voice was the only thing that showed my panic, barely cracking with emotion. "You're fired."

"But you can't fire me! I need a job!" This time I didn't even try to hide my emotions.

"Well I guess you'll have to just find some where else then. Because I don't need you anymore." The iciness in her voice graded on me like nails on a school board. "Now leave, I don't want to ever see your filthy hide on my property again."

I stumbled on my dress on the way out the door. Panic muddling my thoughts. I swung the grand french doors open with a slam, running out the doors and down the cobbled street. I ran all through town finally getting to the very edge, and made a sharp left turn barreling through the front door nearly knocking over the head of the small old house. "Pearl dear, what has you in such a kerfuffle?" Gran tutted. "Oh Gran, what am I going to do?! Mrs. Petunia fired me! How am I going to make enough money to get out of here?!" I cried, finally letting the pent up tears flow freely. Gran gently pulled me into a warm and soothing hug. "Now Honey, don't worry everything is gunna be just fine. Just you wait and see."

"But-" I started. "Shhhh" she said putting an old wrinkly finger on my lips. "When have I ever been wrong?" I opened and shut my mouth, but I just couldn't think of a single thing to say. "Exactly" she chuckled. I sighed, relaxing in her warm embrace. I loved Gran, she wasn't my family by blood but she took care of me when nobody else would. She found me ten years ago wandering around the town crying for my father with a threadbare dress on and only a locket with a picture of my father in a Royal Navy uniform and the initials D. P. W. she took me in as if I were her own child. I have called her Gran ever since. Now I was 16 and ready to go off on my own and get out of this town that has caused me so much pain. I had been saving up on the small amount of coins that I had been making from Mrs. Petunia, I had no idea how I was going to make money now. She let me go to walk into the sparse kitchen and brought back some coins. "Go down to the docks and buy me some of that herbal tea I like. My joints are aching again." She said while pushing me out of the house. "Don't you worry Dear, the Lord will provide."

"Alright Gran! I'll be back in a little while!"


Ok, so I know that this is a really short chapter but I promise that the next one will be longer. This is my first story, so give me some slack if I mess up a little. I would love if I could get some constructive criticism but don't get too rough, I have a sensitive soul ;) if you could vote and comment that would be wonderfully fabulous!! Thanks!

-Pearl <3

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