
17 4 2

I froze, my heart pounded sounding like the beat of drums banging to the sound of a war march. I slowly sucked in a breath, calming my racing heart. The man holding me was large both tall and wide, with a beard brushing my forehead. He had even more dirt and grime on him than I did, smelling almost bad as the docks. "Let me go!" I huffed as I tried to tug the large man off me. "Naw, I think I'll take you to my friends. You'll make a good slave." The man sneered. Slave?! I had heard of slave traders coming down here, but that almost if never happened! Of course the town gossiped about such things but I thought that mothers told such things to their children to scare them into behaving. Not happening so close to where I lived! The man started to drag me down the street and into an ally, I struggled all the way. Screaming for help. No one stoped him or even to spare me a sympathetic glance. "Please! No, let me go!!" I yelled again. "Shut up!" The slaver growled at me. "If you yell one more time I think I'll just cut out your tung. No one needs a slave to talk anyway." That shut me up right away. He chuckled, "I thought not." We made it half way down the alleyway when the mountain of a man stopped at a door I almost didn't see it, the alley was so dark. He pulled me with a rough tug, his grip so tight I knew I would have bruises for weeks. He banged on the door three loud solid pounds. "Cecil!! Ya lousy mutt! Open the door!" I heard a crash and another thud at the door just before it swung open. When I saw the inside of the room had my knees shaking and my already pounding heart to gallop in my chest. Inside the room up against the back wall was a line of people. All chained to each other, all skin and bones and all of them had a blank empty look on their eyes. I felt my stomach drop, realizing that soon I would become one of these lost souls. I started struggling even more. "You can't do this!! You have to let me go!!" I screamed. All the sudden I felt a sharp point on the side of my neck. "Remember what I said just a minute ago girlie? This is my last warning. Am I clear?" He whispered in my ear. I gulped, which was a mistake as my neck rubbed against the knife cutting the smooth skin of my neck. Causing blood to trickle down the front of my dress. "Crystal" I croaked. The man shoved me into Cecil causing us to stumble back. "Hey Melvin! Watch it!" Cecil grumbled to the man I now knew as Melvin. "Whatever, just chain her up with the rest of the merchandise." Melvin said as he sat down at a small table in the corner. The table legs were uneven so every time he picked up the dirty mug he was drinking from the table would bang lightly on the rickety floor. The sound of the wobbling table and the clanking chains from the other slaves were the only sounds in the desolate room. "Come on." Cecil said with a quick jerk on my right arm. "Ahh!" I screamed. The tug was so quick and forceful that my shoulder dislocated. I had learned medicine from Gran so I knew what this meant. Any movement in my would be excruciating, but it was nothing permanent. I could fix it if I got the chance. "Awe, the wee lass hurt her arm." Melvin sneered. I was too distracted with the stabbing pulsing pain in my arm to to do much of anything else. So before I k ew it Cecil had two steel chains clasped on my wrists. I whimpered in pain, the chain was heavy on my arm and it tugged on my dislocated shoulder. I collapsed to my knees on the floor next to one of the starved slaves. "Shhhh! If they here you talking or crying they will punish you! Just keep quite and still." I was startled at the frail voice next to me. I looked over at the person next to me. She had dull matted red  hair, rail thin bones and her cheek were very prominent. Her eyes though, they were different from the others I had previously seen, her eyes were an emerald green and they still held the fire for life. She hadn't given up like the other slaves, she was a fighter. Her voice which I had previously mistaken as frail was actually just cautious. "Ok thanks." I managed to rasp out. My shoulder was killing me, I didn't know how I would escape with my now useless arm. I looked back to her with my mouth open, about to ask her name when she said "Shut up and go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning" with that she lay down and closed her eyes. I didn't realize that it had gotten so late, but now that she mentioned sleep I didn't understand how I didn't notice how exhausted I actually was. My last thoughts before I fell asleep were, how on earth am I going to get out of this mess?


I know this one is kinda short but I'm in the process of moving and I just had a case of writers block. I just couldn't seem to get this chapter to flow as easily as I would have licked it. Please, please , please vote and comment!! Love you all!! <3

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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