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'Hey (F/n), how is your English working out?'

Your  dad asked you while eating dinner. You put down your utensils and replied that people understands you, so its going well. You had been studying there for about a month there has not been an issue about your language. He then nodded his head in approval. Since young, you always had a fascination with the English language. Since your dad works in an American Company, there are some paper work and meetings that are in English, and your dad was very fluent in English. He always taught you some English phrases and eventually, you started reading English Novels like Harry Potter. You were quite strong in your Japanese too, scoring really well for tests and being able to read long and complicated novels. 

'I have a new colleague, whose son is very interested in the Japanese culture, and always wanted to learn Japanese. He asked me to teach his son Japanese, but you know I am always busy, so I was wondering whether you would like to take up this offer?'

You turned your attention away from your food to your dad and just looked at him in confusion.

'Me? Teach Japanese?'

You dad smiled and nodded his head.

You thought, this was a really interesting opportunity, and you thought this would be a good way to not lose your Japanese roots, and maybe learn English from the person. You agreed to take up your dad's offer. 

'Great! I will bring you to meet his son this weekend!'

*Time skip to weekends*

You were a little nervous. You teaching was a weird thought to you. But it was worth a try, and it was an opportunity to make a new friend. Your dad drove you this his colleague's house. It was a big house, bigger than yours. This colleague must be a big person in the company. Your father rang the door bell. A petite woman opened the door and greeted you. Your dad than asked for a man named 'Stoick'. She gently nodded and then shouted really loudly into the house for Stoick. A tall man walked towards the woman and greeted your dad.

'Hello (Dad's name)!'

He than pulled your dad into a man hug, while you awkwardly stood there. Stoick than looked at you.

'This must be (F/n)! Or should I say (F/n)-chan!' He laughed, while you cringed. 

He welcomed you guys into the house and called for someone named Adam.

You than saw the person Stoick was calling for. A really tall and pale boy, with eyes as green as the emeralds. He looked like he was the same age as you, maybe a little older. You actually found him to be rather handsome, probably the most handsome out of all the boys you met so far. He came from what you assumed was his room with a huge headphone around his neck.

'The Japanese teacher I told you about is here! This is (F/n), do treat her well!' 

Adam stood in front of you for a while, like he is inspecting you. When he came closer to you, you could feel your cheeks heat up. He then smirked and replied his dad with an 'Ok'.  Stoick than said that we could go to his room to start lessons while the two dads have a chat in the living room.

You silently followed Adam into his room, and sat down at sofa in his room. Adam than closed the door, and you heard him lock it shut. 

'Don't want anyone to disturb us.'

You swallowed your saliva in fear. Adam than sat right beside you and put his arm around you.

'When dad said a Japanese girl was coming to teach me Japanese to me, I didn't expect a beauty like you to appear.'

His face was moving closer to you,causing your cheeks to redden. He than whispered into your ear,

'I am now in your hands now, sensei.'

You could feel chills run down your spine and your heart beat faster, and you quickly took out some Japanese textbooks that you used back in Japan to cover your blushing face. 

Adam was surprisingly already have his basics done, and the first lesson was practically just a chatting session. After chatting with him, the wrote off the initial impression you had of him, as a creepy guy, to a really nice and easy going guy. He said he was trying to act manlier as he didn't want to seen as a dork to this pretty girl. The first lesson ended well, and you are really excited to continue lessons next week. You rode your dad's car home, face still flushed from meeting Adam.

(A/n: Thank you for reading! I know, this had nothing to do with Kuroko, but I didn't want to just skip what reader-chan did initially in America! So yes, the two latest chapters are fillers, but I think the next few would be fillers too, but I really want a story with a proper timeline. Thanks for your patience and see you next chapter!) 

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