"Go away," you mumbled to the shadows that continued to whisper dark chants, flicking your hand, and the shadows went back to their homes.

Your jaw fell unhinged at the sight of your attacker.

"Wait- who- you- you're Batman!"

He grunted, rubbing his jaw from where you had hit him. "Yeah."

You glared at him suddenly. "You're late. And if that was a test - maths was harder."

"So hard you needed to drop out?"

You stared into his mask, biting your tongue and clenching your hands. "We both know that's not the reason."

Batman stared back, clearly attempting to frighten you with his glare. Your lips twitched into a small smirk.

"There's a team I want you to join," he prompted suddenly. "Kids, teens - like you."

You raised a brow. "Like me or like me?"

"You'll see," he said, stepping into a photo booth that had begun rusting. He didn't say anything else, punching buttons and the with a flash of white, he was gone.

You stared at the seat with wide eyes, glancing around nervously. "Okay," you dragged out as you walked to where he was sitting. So I just sit here? A minute passed and you still weren't anywhere. You scoffed loudly, shutting your eyes and rubbing your head. "Trust a man in a-" You began to ramble, unaware of the sudden bright light, and unaware you were transported somewhere else. "-fucking fake-ass Batman costume."

A loud cough caught you off and you opened your eyes, landing on the group of said teens Batman was telling you about. Your lips parted to speak, only to shut them again.

"(Y/N) (L/N) - she will officially be joining your team from here on out. No complaints and no fighting," Batman said, staring at you in the last part.

You crossed your arms. "So what? You're just going to kidnap me and expect me to be okay with it?!"

Batman turned to you once more. "You did sit on that seat, didn't you?"

* * *

Months had passed and you gradually became used to working with the team, taking on the title (S/H/N) as well as continuing to develop your magic with the help of Zatanna, though she first claimed that she wouldn't be of much help - the dark arts were harder to maintain and control.

You thought those words were weird - you had never had an issue with the dark arts, movements coming to you fluently like a second language. The shadows had become closer and quieter, as well as beginning to fly. You didn't do it a lot, preferring to use it to be higher than most of the other members - it was a power tactic almost.

You had moved out of Mt. Justice also, buying an apartment after dropping communications with your mother. Sometimes you wondered if she was the one who dropped it with you.

"There have been several unexplained blackouts in this and neighboring states over the past two months," Batman said as he explained the new mission. The large hologram showing bright red areas of where the blackouts had occurred. "This has occurred in multiple malfunctions as well as meltdowns at power plants. A recent one has hit near the electricity company in Gotham - you are to go and investigate the scene and report back any suspicious activity."

Batman's gaze soon fell on you, and a part of you wondered why, with the other simply ignoring it. But when M'gann's hand fell on your shoulder, you immediately felt comfort.

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