What is wrong with me?

In spite of the pain, the urge to get out of the bed and flee overwhelms me as does the need to get into the fresh air and away from the scent of Dettol which is so pervasive I can almost taste it.

"Calm down. You are perfectly safe. Take deep breaths. In...out...In...out. That's it."

I'm breathing too fast and every movement of my chest hurts.

"The doctor will be along shortly. I'm sure you must be feeling very alarmed, but you have nothing to fe..."


"She's coming round again, Doctor."

"Miss, can you hear me. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me."

I can hear voices but it's not until I feel someone take my hand that I know they are talking to me. I try to squeeze but fingers struggle to respond.

"Well done. Now I would like you to open your eyes for me now. Come on, there's a good girl."

With effort, my eyes open and I see a sharp light again as it moves from one eye to the next."

"Excellent. Pupils are alert and responsive. Say something to me. Can you tell me your name?

"Alice," I croak.

"Agnus, is it?"

I try to shake my head.

"Alice," I repeat, with some frustration.


I nod.

"Excellent. Hello, Alice."

Big brown eyes, beneath bushy greying eyebrows look down at me with concern. As if I have become aware of gravity, my body suddenly feels leaden, and I can barely hold my head up. The room swims before me and I am gripped by nausea and I vomit what little water I have just sipped.

"Don't worry, Alice," he says, as the nurse places a metal pan beneath my chin. "Your body is just getting used to being upright. You will probably feel nauseous for a while. "

I heave several times more, but bring nothing up. My stomach is empty. It has never felt so empty.

"I'll be back in an hour to see how she is doing. Maybe tempt her with some tea and toast in half an hour. "

"Yes, doctor."

I watch as the doctor disappears from my limited field of vision.


"Here is your toast and tea."

"What happened to me, how did I get here?" My voice doesn't sound like my own, but it is audible at least.

"All in good time. Eat up and I'll be back in a few minutes to answer your questions."

The nurse pats me on the arm and walks off across the ward to another bed, where an elderly woman is struggling to sit up. The room is near silent. Most of the patients around me are either sleeping or quietly reading. In the distance a new born baby's cry pierces the silence.

"Is that nice young fella of yours visiting today?"

The woman in the bed to my right places her book down and turns towards me.

"I said, is that nice young man of yours visiting again today?" Her voice is deliberately louder and slower.

"Sorry, I... I didn't realise you were taking to me. What young man?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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