they always come back

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Arthur sighed slumping himself on his classic English chair.
Beside him rain roared at his home as if it was trying to Pearce through the walls and windows to swallow him up. His tea was neatly placed on a teacup by his arm.
His hair and clothes all messed up by the busy day he decided he should read this book his was given. He was alone so he did not bother to fix anything so he just started the book.
"History of Britain" the book red across the front "as if i didn't know my own bloody history" he let a mumble out as he began too read.

A hour had passed and he had gotten to a chapter called "the American revolution" he knew deep down he would have gotten to this part. He wanted to read it more just to say he had gotten over it,he red on.

He had not.

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