Things get personal

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It was two weeks since Jack , Sam and Chuck were introduced into the team and joined. Jacks parents also know about our little team and Jack is known as Robo. It was after school and we were all hanging out at Oro's apartment. "Hey guys come look at this!" Oro said as we all looked at the TV and saw Humatrix with a two half human half spiders, one looked around my age while another looked younger and there was a little girl from Japan.  "Apparently those three girls are Humatrix's daughters." Oro said. "Hey daddy. Cane I play with them?" Jelly asked as she was sitting on my shoulders. "If we ever meet them." I said putting Jelly down. Chuck looked a bit freaked out at the sight of Ara the older spider and Taranee the youngest. "Is Chuck okay?" Cat asked. "He has Arachnophobia. What happened was he fell in a spider pit at the zoo when we were 5, got covered in webs, and a tarantula ended up in his mouth." Jack said as he projected the images from his right eye. "He has gotten better but he just can't touch a spider or be touched by one, but it looks like Ara and Taranee might be scarier to him." I said. "Yup." Chuck said. Twist just kept on focusing on the picture of the other little girl Kuromi. "Why does she look so familiar?" Twist asked to her self. "You must have met her but because of your amnesia you forgot." Jack said. "We have to get going. See you guys tomorrow!" Chuck said as he gathered his stuff. "I can't." I said "Why not?" Sam asked. "My parents have a surprise for me after school. I also told them that Jack, Chuck and I met you guys at the mall and we all started to hang out here. I didn't tell hem about our powers." I said . "That's good." Oro said.  "See you guys!" I said. Jack said "Bye guys!!" As all three of us left and entered the elevator.  While we waited to reach the first floor from the 24th I said "I miss Stella." "We all do." Chuck said as all three of us looked down. Stella was a friend of ours that moved from Canada. She was very different, she had bright purple eyes, and light blue hair, she was always happy and she loved space. She only had Chuck, Jack and my self as friends but one summer my family ad hers went on a camp out when we were 6. One night Stella and I went out on a walk because it felt almost as if something was wrong with Stella. We ended up in a cave where a monster with the body of a bear, head of a lion  , bat wings and a scorpions tail attacked Stella and disappeared. The monster killed her. After that her parents left and I never heard from them again. The day after the funeral there was a box from her parents but I never opened it.

When we arrived at the first floor we all started to walk home. "I think might tell my parents the truth tomorrow." I said. "Okay if you want to." Chuck said as all three of us then parted ways and went home. That night we ate dinner and I went to bed. When I was sleeping I saw two spheres that were connected. I then heard a voice say "Do not worry. I'm on my way Stephen." When I woke up I thought "What was that? That sounded like Stella." I then got dressed in tan cargo shorts and a red t-shirt and went to school.

For our last day we watched a movie. I started to look for Chuck and Jeff but I had a difficult time. I started to look around ad said to myself (A/N: There are some references here try and guess what I'm referencing but here is a hint my friend humatrix-X-24 wrote three books about these characters and the cover of all three of theses books has the same symbol) "Lets see over is that Chuck over there? No just a orange haired girl and her friends. Is Jack that way? Nope that's just some other brown haired kid that wears green with his girlfriend who is from Japan I believe. What about over there? Nah, its just some one with brown almost red hair.  What about in front of me? Nope that's just Chuck..................................oh wait." I then sat down next to them as we watched the first ever Star Wars film.

After the film I headed home. When I got home no one was there. "Mom. Dad. Scott you guys home?" I repeatedly said throughout the house. But there was no answer. I then started walking around and said to myself "Scott got home before me because his school lets out at 2:15 and its 2:51. They couldn't have gone out because both cars are in the drive way. Wait what's this?"  I then picked up a disk and decided to activate a small pocket flash light sized recorder that was in the tech case I got. I then played the disk and an image of my parents and brother unconscious was shown. "MOM DAD SCOTT!!!" I said. "Well hello their Stephen Fuoco or should I say FLAME WARRIOR!!!" A female voice said as some one in a smaller version of Seiesmos suit walked in front of my parents. "Oh by the way this is live." She then said. "WHO ARE YOU?!? HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PARNETS AND BROTHER?!?!" I yelled at her. "I am Gyra, Seismo's sister. I've been watching you ever since Speed and you took out my team that was trying to receive the Adaptooze but failed. If you want to see your famiy again meet me at the board walk alone in an hour and destroy the disk." Gyra said as the video cut. I then took the disk out and destroyed it. I sent the others the recording and I headed out.

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