Time to Twist things up.

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It had been three days after I met Oro and Cat and it was a Thursday afternoon. My mom, Scott and I were watching some of the news while we were waiting for dad to come home with a movie. I wasn't paying to much attention until I heard that hero Humatrix being mentioned again. "Can you back that up a bit mom?" I asked "I want to hear the beginning of it." "Sure thing Stephen. " My mom said as she backed it up. "Hello there I'm Amanda Windswoth Just yesterday a Humatrix sighting was reported in Brazil. Why was he there well listen to this." the news reporter said as she then played a YouTube video someone recorded of Humatrix. In the video he said "I was originally heading to L.A. To take care of a few of Seismo's drones but some fire powered hot head took care of them." the video then ended. That Amanda lady then came back on and said "Also the next day Humatrix and a new hero known as Draco stopped more of Seismo's drones. So now besides Flamewarrior, Orochi, Cat and Humatix there is now Draco. But if Flame is watching this lets hope he doesn't get all 'heated' up at Humatrix's comment " I then decided to go up stairs I said "I'm going to get changed for bed. Dad should be back by then." "Hurry up though. " Scott said.

Incase your wondering Cat and Oro introduced them selves as my team mates yesterday after we stopped a bank robbery. I entered my room and started to put my pajamas on. After I put a red t-shirt and blue plaid pants. I went back down stairs and we started the movie cause my dad was home.

(A/N: Hey guys guess what? you know it, you love it, it tends to happen a lot in my stories its time for a strange dream!!!!!)

That night I dreamt of many different things for example me with magma rock weapons, a boy generating electricity and also me combining with something but I woke up before I saw who it was I was combining with. (A/N: What I didn't say it was going to be a long strange dream) I got up, washed up, got dressed in just a blue t-shirt and tan cargo shorts because it was almost summer. I then went down stairs and "Morning Flame!" Oro said while he was siting on my couch. "What the?!? How did you get in?" I asked. "Through the front door. We found the spare key." Cat said as she poked her head out of the kitchen. "What the?!?Why?" Is all I could ask. Cat then said "You said we could hang out." Cat then started to eat some of the Goldfish crackers my parents bought us. "Let me eat breakfast, then we go hang out, out side my house." I said. I then ate breakfast and we headed out.

We decided to go to Westfield Century City mall to look around. As we were walking I heard people mentioning if Humatrix and Flame warrior were making teams of hero's to fight against each other or to fight Seismo together. A thought then ran trough my head "Why is Humatrix making a team? He's powerful enough by himself." "Hey Stephen." Cat said. "Wazat?" I asked before I walked into a person. We both fell down but before I could help her up she ran away. "Weird." Oro said. "Yeah sorry I zoned out." I said. "No I mean her hair." Oro the said. "What about it?" Cat asked. "Its color it were practically white like a cloud and her eyes were sky blue also Stephen your eyes." Oro said. "What about them?" I asked. "Look for your self." Oro said as he took a mirror out of Cat's bag and showed me my eyes. "Why are they orange?" I asked "I'm not powered up or using my powers." When ever I use my powers my eyes turn orange. "Maybe it happened when you two bumped into each other," Cat said. "it happens when ever Oro or I get hit on the head." I then blinked a bit and my eyes were normal. "Come on, lets get something to eat." I said as we headed toward the food court. We ate and then started to head back to my house after we got some stuff. Cat bought a cat toy saying its for her pet cat even though it was for her, Oro won a snake necklace from a claw machine and I got myself a new Lego set. 

On the way home the wind started to pick up. "Its not suppose to be this windy." Oro said. "Hey guys what's that up in the sky?" Cat asked pointing up. Oro and I looked up to see purple lights. "Seismo Drones, their shooting at something, I'll check it out because I'm the only one that can fly." I said giving my bag to Cat. "Good luck." Oro said. I then said "Thanks." as I transformed and flew up.

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