He fell for the cheerleader. How cliché! We could have had something. We could have had a decent relationship. He blew out the candle. He ended us. He ended anything we had.

I sob into my pillow until Louie whines and licks my ear, sensing my muffled sadness. I giggle and scoop him up into my chest.

He nips at my chin and for a single fraction of a split second Logan Young is gonzo.

But, I'm not so lucky as to forget about him that quick. Sighing, I get up and brush my hair back out. The dark brown mascara drops off my eyes slowly, staining my cheeks.

"Oh. My gosh." I say out loud. "I look like a raccoon."

"Sweetie?" Mom's voice cuts through the door like a knife. I sigh and quickly wipe away the tears, ridding my face of sorrow, but it still explodes in my pain-stricken eyes.

"What?" I sob in one breath.

"Ah, baby what's wrong?" She asks, fidgeting with the locked doorknob.
I cough out the rest of the pain in my voice.

"Nothing, momma, just um...what do you need?" I reply, wincing at the fact of having to lie to her. When all I wanna do is scream Logan Young you two timing jerk!

"Alright, baby girl there's a Logan Young on the phone for you." She sighs. I blink back the bloodshot redness in my once blue eyes, silently begging this is a nightmare. But again, not lucky.

So lemme get this straight –

He calls me up to come and kiss someone else.

Let's me leave without a goodbye.

Does it at the place I want to spend all my time.

And tries to call me up to make it all better.

NEWSFLASH! I'm not a second grader, you can't give me a cookie and a kiss and pretend everything is okay.

"Hang up." Is all I say. All I can say. All I will say.

But, if worst comes to worst, he'll show up at the door like some stupid romance movie, and I turn it into a comedy by slamming the door in his face. See, this is why you plan ahead.

"But honey, I-"

"Please Mom." I beg, turning toward the door, gripping my brush with such force my knuckles whiten.

"Alright sweetheart is there something we need to talk about?" She asks, sympathy dripping from her hoarse tone. Even though she can't see, I shake my head.

"No momma. I'm fine. Promise."


Logan's POV


No, gosh dang it! Sky won't answer, we need to talk!

After I pushed Natasha out of my way with a death glare, I went back inside. The pain in Sky's eyes was too much. The inevitable thought of that sweet, innocent, and now broken girl's pained expression was just...too much.

But I have GOT to make things right. And I best do it before she leaves. But that's kind of hard to do when you can't talk to someone.

I sigh in anger and frustration, gripping the table and staring at Natasha. She holds out her bottom lip.

"Logan...hey, bear?" She whimpers. I growl at her.

"Out!" I bark, she furrows her eyebrows and stays put, crossing her arms over her chest as a small child might. "Apparently you're hard of hearing. Get out!" She shakes her head.

You have got to be kidding me.


"Why what?" She asks stupidly.

"Why would you ruin her for me? Why'd you kiss me?!" I whisper shout. She shrugs carelessly.

"Why would you like her when you could have me?" She purrs. I pull away from her close grasp in disgust.

"Because she's not like you! And why would you kiss me here at work?"

"Because... I want to be your girlfriend!" She smiles. I scoff and turn away, heading to the front office desk. I would never want someone like Natasha. Some self absorbed bratty little cheerleader. Sure she may be pretty but Skyler is a million times more pretty. And I can't screw this one up. Not Sky. Girls like her come along once in a GREAT while. And I'm not about to lose the one I caught.

Have to try again. I dial her number into the office phone and yell for Hayley. She trots in and sits a bucket of feed down.

"Huh?" She asks, clearly annoyed at my urgent request for her.

"Talk to Sky for me PWEASE?!" I whimper, locking my hands and rocking on my heels and sticking out my lip.

"What? Why?"

"Because I did something bad...and I need to make it right but she won't answer me. So I need you." I say quietly. She sighs before trudging to the phone and picking it up.

"Hello, Skyler?"

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