Who To Choose

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You probably noticed that I haven't mentioned Rafe, Charlie and Harry for a while. I guess that's what happens when I focus more on school work than before. But soon they realised that and I was in hot water with them. But I didn't care.  

I remembered I was watching TV with Sam on Wednesday afterschool. I didn't know what he was watching since I only joined him and I didn't really mind. Soon, I heard the phone ringing.

"Don't worry. I got it." Sully said from the kitchen. He picked up the phone before heading back to the kitchen.

"Who was that?" Sam asked seconds later since he was too caught up with the show.

"Don't know." I said. But soon, I was about to find out as Sully came out of the kitchen, just finishing the conversation.

"Yeah. OK, I'll tell him. OK. Have a good day. Bye." Sully stopped the phone call and place it back in its place.

"So who was it, Sully?" I asked. Something I would regret asking soon.

"It was your friend, Rafe. Apparently, you were meant to meet up with him after school."

I face palmed my face, remembering what I was supposed to do after school. Now I knew he was coming to kill me. So I went upstairs and pick up my mobile phone and called him. Even though I was hoping he wouldn't keep up, he did.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to call?" Rafe said, definitely sounded mad at me.

"Hey, Rafe. How is it going?"

"Don't play games with me! You were suppose to meet Charlie, Harry and I at the school gates!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I can still meet you guys there." I mentioned, but I doubt he was listen to me anymore."

"No. You know what? Forget it."

"Rafe, listen. I...."

"It's something to do with that girl, isn't it?" I knew he was going to say that. To be fair, ever since Elena has been helping me, my time with them had shorten, but not to the extent that I forgot about them. But that's what they think.

"It has nothing to do with Elena, all right?"

"I don't believe you." Once again, he wasn't listen. "She's trying to take you away from us."

"No, she isn't!" I couldn't believe he would think like that. But then again, I shouldn't be surprised. He is someone who wants things to go his way.

"Then, what's going on?!"

I took a deep breath, preparing for his backlash afterwards. "Look. She's just been helping me with my work, that's all. She's not intervening with my life. So don't worry about it." There was a silence on the other end of the phone, which made me uneasy since I was excepting him to shout at me.

Soon, the silence went on for too long. "Rafe, are you still there?" I asked, honestly sounding worried.

There wasn't an answer.

"Hello? Anyone?" Still no answer. Finally, I heard mumbling.

"Rafe?!" I started to sound desperate.

"Do you... actually.... care about school work now?" Rafe asked, sounding very quiet , which is never a good thing.

I sighed. "Maybe. But I have to look at the bigger picture in case treasure hunting doesn't go well."

"It will!" Rafe shouted, almost making me fall off my bed, which I was sitting on. He then returned to talking quietly. "The reason I allowed you to be our friend was because you were like us. You wanted to be a treasure hunter and you didn't care about work. Did that girl made you change your mind or were you lying to us the whole time."

"... The girl." I heard a loud moan at the end of the phone.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want to be a treasure hunter." I mentioned. "I will. It's just.....

"Listen, if you still want to be around us, you don't see her again."

"Since when do you have the right to tell me what I can or can't do?!" Now I was getting angry.

"Since you became part of this group." he said with confidence.

"No. That's not what friends do. They're supposed to be there for you, regardless of what you does." I mentioned.

"He does have a good point." I heard Charlie say. I was surprised to hear him, but Rafe shut him down before returning to me.

"Listen here. You have to decide whether you still want to hang out with us or not."

"Well, if this is how you're going to act, then the answer is definitely easy." And with that, I hanged up the phone and lied on my bed. Was I really that desperate when I joined them? I mean, I knew what kind of person he was, but still.

I guess I am thankful that I met Elena if it meant I finally saw who Rafe really was.

Uncharted: The Girl Who Changed Me (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now