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Hi there. The name's Drake. Nathan Drake. And no, I am not the descendant of Sir Francis Drake. You have no idea how many people ask me that question.

Anyway, I'm guessing you are here since you are probably interested in my life. More specifically, my school life. If that's the case, then hopefully you will be satisfied in the end.

So, what can I say about myself? One word: rebellious. Yep, I'm that kind of guy. The one who doesn't care about their grades and don't mind failing. I guess you can imagine the kind of conversations that goes on in my household.

I always seem to be getting into arguments with my older brother Sam. Telling me that I'm going to fail if I don't change my attitude.

Thinking about it, I have the same talk with Sully. Before you ask, no, Sully is not my dad. He's a friend of my dad's, so Sam and I live with him. Why? Well, my dad is far too busy to even care about us since he's always on trouble. And my mum...well...let's just say she's not here anymore.

I have no problem with Sully. He's a cool guy, but sometimes he needs to understand that I don't care. Same goes to Sam.

I'm the kind of person who's more adventurous. Who wants to have the adventure of a lifetime, that's all. I know I'll get there, just not at school.

So yeah, that's me.

Actually, that was me. That was me until I met her....

Uncharted: The Girl Who Changed Me (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now