Chapter 2

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I have hidden my wings for the years since I got them. I have slits on my back. The wings fold into them. Luckily for me, the slots are really thin until I am allowing my wings out or pulling them back in. If the men in lab coats were to find out about them, my life would go from hell... to beyond.

Perhaps it is already beyond hell. Being exposed to radiation everyday, slowly being exposed to more and more... Surely that is beyond hell? But other people must have gone through worse... Right? There are positive sides to it all...

The radiation has toughened my skin to the point only bullets and super sharp knives can cut through it. I am immune to every disease and poison out there, thanks to the injections and poisoned food. Everything I see - and they thought this experiment hadn't worked, so they do not know - I remember and learn. When I go past the TV room, where the men watch TV when on break, I take as long a look as possible at the action films and documentaries. Learning. Those short glimpses have taught me how to fight. How to forge a weapon and to survive in the wild.

ShadowsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora