Headed to Death

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Hey sorry it took me so long! I've been a busy bee.

I don't own these series, but I thank Suzanne Collins for writing the real Hunger Games.

     Gale walks causally to me and just stares. I think he senses my uncertainty. I've known Gale for awhile he awalys stops by the shop to trade for bread. He is normally with Katniss though, go figure. I know Gale, and he knows me. We don't know each other enough for him to come say good-bye, so i know what he is here for. "Come to make sure I'm not gonna hurt your percious girlfriend," I say with a lot of anger. He just stands there looking shocked. " Well, I don't know how to say this. I know you have family and you want to come home too. I just want you to make sure she's ok and eating before the games. I see the hope in his eyes and i want to shoot it down. " You've come to ask me to help keep the surviver alive? How do you think that's going to work when I have no chance of survival myself." I don't know what has gotten in to me. It's probably to many years of jealousy. " I just want her to come home safe." he says in a defeated tone. I cringe. I haven't even been thinking of Katniss. " I do too." I say. He looks up and smiles. " So, you will help her!" he almost shouts. " Look Gale, I like Katniss about as much as you do." I say. I have no clue why I am telling him this but It's just coming out. " I want her to come home safe. She has a family that needs her. You need her. No one needs me. I mean sure they will miss me, but they will get along just fine. Her family will be completely distroyed." I say in a choked voice. Just thinking about loosing her makes me want to cry. " You don't have to do this you know" He says a little to gleefully. " It's not for you. It's for her" I say. He just nods shakes my hand and leaves. He probably is going to go see Katniss, and he probably is going to hold her. I get that temper again and punch a pillow to keep from breaking anything else. I sit on the sofa and wait for the peacekeepers to take me to the train. Eventually, they come. I am escrotted to a car. I have never been in a car. They are to expensive for district 12. We only drive a short distance and I arrive at the train station. I have been crying and every tribute will think I'm weak. Go ahead let them think that. That will be their loss. This strategy worked great for a victor named Johanna Mason a couple years back. She pretended to be weak and useless. It actually turned out she was a killing machine. I shiver. She used to haunt me when i was little.

    Katniss, on the other hand, is still wearing that expressionless face. Good, she's staying strong. It takes everything in me to not grab her and try and run. The cameras start to flash as we work our way to the train. Finally, when i can see again, the train comes into vision. It's big and i stand back to admire it. I have never seen a train. If it weren't taking me where I was about to go, I would be excited to get on it. I step on the train with Haymitch, Effie, and Katniss. As soon as the doors shut we are off. I am taken to my room, and left there. Super will be soon, and i have to get ready. I love my room. It is big and fanicer than the justice building. Effie told me everything was to my disposal. I look around the room and it has so many buttons. I doubt I get to use them all before I die. I think this is another small message from the capitol reminding us that even though we are in such fancy rooms and get special treatment, we are still headed to our death. My death and 22 others will mean Katniss's survival even if it is only in a couple days. I smile at that. 

So, what did you think? I'm kind of an amatture. I'm just do this for fun. I love love loved these books. I think i have and obsession! Anyways, the movie comes out in like 10 days XD I can't wait! I love Josh Hutcherson too, and he's Peeta. Rate and comment please! :)

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