The Hate

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     I hate the capitol with every fiber of my being! They think it's ok to take innocent kids and make them fight to the death. It was not ok it was the very opposite of ok. What can we do about it? Nothing that's what. I manage to look up and see Haymitch Abernathy, her mentor get up and say, "I like her! Lots of........SPUNK! More than you!" he said pointing straight at the cameras. I don't know if he was just to drunk or taunting the capitol. Who knows? Haymitch is a real charmer. I laugh at that thought which is clearly not true. I almost miss him fall off the stage and get pulled away on a stretcher. I look up and see Katniss, i think, smirk. I love her facial expressions! She normally wears a glare on her face, but I don't blame her she had to grow up to fast. Then it all hit me. The day with the bread, I remember that day very clearly. Like I said, I have liked her since we were little. I hated knowing that she was hurt. Her dad had just died, and I heard from talk around the town her mom was not taking it well. On that night, I was looking out the window as I always had done to watch the rain. I saw her and my stomach jumped. She looked sick and I knew she was probably trying to get food. I have never gone hungry, but people from the seam go hungry all the time. She walked to our trash can, and opened the lid. I knew it was empty and felt deepily sorry for her. Then, my mom ran to the door and started to scream at her. It was all I could do not to hurt my mom. How could she be so heartless? Then  I rememberd it's not her fault she's this way. My mom shut the door and I "accidently shoved some bread in the fire, careful not to burn it to bad. She slapped me and called me a worthless boy before leaving the room. I walked to the door and threw the bread to Katniss who was weakly leaning against a tree. I wanted to run and comfort her but i knew i couldn't. I just watched her as she ran home.

   The sound of my name brought me to the horrible reality.Everyone one was staring at me. I knew what had just happend, and to comfirm it Effie Trinket called my name one last time. I never really thought this could happen. The Hunger Games never really seemed like a threat to me, but now not only was it me  going into the areana it was Katniss the girl i loved! I would have to fight to the death with her! I was thinking this as I walked to the stage with tears in my eyes. A sad look crossed her face. I hated the Capitol even more now. Wow,  Effie the odds are never going to be in my favor.  I shake Katniss's hand giving her a reasurring squeeze. Idiot, why did you do that? The mayor closes with a speech and I am escorted by peacekeepers. I am headed to the room where they give you time to say good-bye to your family and friends. I walk into the room and gasp it is so increbily fancy. I hate it. I normally love beautiful things, but all this stuff looks so exspensive. The money spent on this could be given to someone in desperate need! I got so mad I threw a vase across the room. This brought back the memory when I first saw Gale and Katniss together. I got so mad I punched a whole in the wall of my bedroom. I paid for that. My mom didn't let me have any dinner that night and slapped me so hard I had a black eye for a week. Then, my thoughts trail of to Katniss. Katniss the girl I love and would have protected her if I could. It hits me. I can protect her! She very well might have a chance if I go into the arena to souly to protect her! I know what I must do, but that means giving up on my own life. I knew I didn't have much of a chance to survive anyways, so what's it mater.

    My thoughts are broken off as my mom, dad, and Zane walk into the room. Clearly both Zane and Dad have been crying. My mom has a distant look in her eyes. I cringe I know what she's thinking of. Maybe, this is why she has never been close to me and Zane. She didn't want to get close to us, and then have to loose us. My hate for the capitol grows stronger by the minute. My dad looks at me straight in the eye and says, "Son, I love you. Don't give up now. You can come home. Please tell me you will try." I just nod. That's all I can do. I don't want to make it any harder for them. I know i will not come home, but I don't want them to think that yet. Zane comes up to me and starts to cry. I stop him. "Don't cry over me. I will be fine Zane, and so will you." He just nods and holds back tears. Finally, my mom looks at me and says, "District twelve finally a winner." I think she is talking about me and feel shocked. That shock is quickly filled with sadness when she says, " She's a fighter that one." Then they are taken away from me. This is the last time I will ever see them. I start to cry. Some of my friends walk in and I am in a daze. Finally, when I think I have no more friends to try and comfort, which is ironic when I'm the one headed to an arena to fight to the death. I start to relax when he walks in and my body feels with jealousy. He as in Gale Hawthrone.

So what do  you think? I am going off my memory! My friend was suppose to give me her copy of the book, but keeps forgetting! It might take me a day or two to have the third chapter up! Sorry I'm a budt bee..... Rate and comment please!?

Again i do not own this books Suzanne Collins does. It's just in a differen charaters point of view! :)

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