All broken-2.

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We tried every now and then to get solutions to things. Ron had promised me that he will fill all the spaces that had been created in my life in his absence. He said he was sorry for ignoring me but now it was my turn to ignore him but nothing changed. He had not been the Ron who adored me. Who made me feel precious and loved. Who made me feel wanted. We broke up on new year because I asked for commitment from him 😢. I wanted to marry him. Be with him forever. I was highly insecured that I saw nothing but just him and me together. Every single day after new year, I always tried having him back in life. Tried all the methods. My methods instead kept throwing him further and further. The more I broke, the stronger he got. He had become the lion and I was the prey. He always roared in front of me who was just in pain. He was the happy person and I had become his burden. I still loved him so much. Every tear of mine just went in vein and left my heart in pain. My love knew no boundaries. I kept chasing him like a crazy maid. He had become a drug to me and there was no way I was letting him part away from my life. I googled, saw inspirational videos, thought of seeing a psychiatrist yet all in vein. His presence in my life had been so influencial that no feeling lasted that was ever felt of being away from him.

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