All broken.

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Loving has always been a mistake. I had had two dear male friends for the last 3 years now. Andrew and Ron. Life with this two has always been awesome. Andrew was more of a brother to me and Ron kept a little distance from me. One fine afternoon we three happened to have gone roaming in town. We went to MC Donalds where I told Andrew that I feel for Ron. Andrew happened to talk about it to Ron and then Ron asked me out. I was not sure at the first place but his words can never be forgotten. He said he will keep me happy always. He will never let me go. He will never hurt me. He will always stick by my side. No matter the consequences, he will be the one for me. I was his second love. He lost his first love and so had I lost two. I have been in long distance relationships before. This was like my first relationship and since we three were "buddies", it was not really hard for me to be with him. We were happy for at least 2 months that he had to go out of station for 1 month and a fortnight. Distance kept increasing day by day. My insecurities reached the sky and beyond. I became an irritated person and anything small would burn the fire in me. Whatever happens, whether good or bad, it irritated me, made me annoyed. I badly needed Ron. In those 1.5 months, Andrew also happened to have disappeared. We never met and it was like we three fell apart. Then the time was up. Ron was back in town. We met but the distances between us had increased a lot that we had nothing to talk about. We badly wanted to be with each other but couldnot erase the poisonous memories of the past.

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