Chapter 6. Why?

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Cut- you're ugly

Slice- you're fat

Cut- you're useless

I'm now cutting because I'm getting a lot of hate on twitter and YouTube.

The boys don't know yet. And I don't plan on telling them.

The worst part is that Acacia has all her followers hate on me.

And I have cut before. Why because of bullying like this.

I clean myself up and clean up the bathroom.

I go to the living room after I put on a hoodie.

"How can you wear that it's so hot?" Asks Connor.

"I'm cold." I say a bit to fast.

Connor grads me by the wrist and I wince is pain.

He pulls up my self and he just stares at my new cuts and old ones.

Then a tear fallers on my arm but it wasn't mine it was Connors.

"Why?" Connor says crying.

"Because all your fans hate me and Acacia get all her fans to hate me aswell." I say as Connor pulls me into a hug.

"Guys I'm home! Woh Elsa what happend to you wrist?" Asks Sam.

"Your Girlfriend and her fans and my fans are bullying her!" Connor Screams like he wants to punch someone.

"Oh my god I'm telling Acacia to come over right now!" Sam says.

"Thank you so much Sammy!" I say as I run up so him and hug him.

"Anything for you Elsey. I love you." Sam says.

"Do you want me to call Andrea and Jenn to come over?" Connor asks.

"Yes please." I say.

10 minutes later Andrea and Jenn come and I tell them everything and they said they would stay over.

Andrea and Jenn went home to get their stuff.

I hear a knock at the door. And thinking it Jenn and Andrea I didn't pull my sleeves down.

And it's Acacia.

"Oh look who took my advice on harming herself." She says.

"Hello to you too. You wanna come in?" I say trying not to punch her.

"Ok." She says

"I'll go get Sam for you." I say

"Whatever cutter." She says and I swear if I wasn't nice I would have already murdered this girl already.

"Sam, Acacia's here!" I yell.

"Come down before I punch her." I yell.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! And I know it's short! I'm so sorry! Remember vote and comment!

Bye my little unicorns!


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