7 - Broken Assassins

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AN: This very special chapter is dedicated to @LittleDarkReader, one of the most awesome readers I have. Thank you so much for all of the votes and comments. You truly make my day every time you comment. <3

So many suspects.

None of them knew anything.

They spouted names of people intended to be used as scapegoats or point back to the Hellfire Club. Big wig mutants were above her paygrade, and those were most likely the ones in the Inner Circle. Didn't want to cause a mutant war, considering how many resources these people had. Who knows what they have their hands into. That club is probably riddled with politics and most likely destruction.

Red Onslaught.

Overcompensating for something, that's for sure. Whatever his plans were, it must've been scary and powerful enough for the Hellfire Club to decline. War. Experimentation. Assassinations. Sabotage? It could have been anything. Something much more than pulling strings.

Natasha stared at the cork board in front of her, eyeing each and every one of the pictures and notes on there. The cogs in her brain worked and creaked, funneling energy into thinking of possibilities. Something. Anything to get a lead on where Omega Red was. She killed Saturna, but Big Red took Peter's arm and Iceman's life. He helped traumatize her loved ones. Who helped him, and why?

But something nagged at her.

Her green eyes drifted down to the phone clenched in her hand. If Red Onslaught was such a threat, should she inform everyone else? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?

Natasha flipped up the top of the burner phone, causing the screen to light up. One new voicemail. Great. Her fingers hovered over the buttons. Usually they'd blow up her voicemail box, but this time, there was just one. Maybe they had finally given up on her.

The dog began to whine, stirring from his slumber. Natasha crouched beside him to pet him for a short moment. If not for his dirty golden fur, his bones would show prominently through his skin. His dark eyes opened as he opened his mouth to pant. Natasha stood up and got some soft food ready for when the dog got up.

Natasha's eyes wandered around the room until she realized Bucky was awake. His eyes locked onto the ceiling, waiting for something. Perhaps, looking for something? Who knows what went on in that destroyed head. Natasha spoke up, "There's cereal on the table if you want it. Clean change of clothes in the bathroom."

Bucky remained silent for a long moment. He fiddled with his fingers before placing them on the worn mattress below him. His eyebrows knit together as he spoke up, "What are you doing here, anyway? What is that?" Bucky pointed towards the cork board.

What did it look like? A board with names and pictures littered all over it. But...even with a mystery hunch, he wouldn't know what happened to any of them during the past years. The nuke, the run, the last battle...it was a lot to take in. She can't even imagine how the media covered it, or how it's getting talked about in schools. Nat mulled it over, eyes stuck back to the board. "Trying to find two people. Ended up with this name," she pointed at the big bolded letters. "People seem to be afraid of what Red Onslaught is planning, and I need to find out why."

"Why are you hunting them?" There had only been certain times in the past where they had to put together an investigation to locate someone. Even then, it was a high valued target that slipped into too many places easily.

Without missing a beat, Natasha responded, "Because they hurt us."

Bucky sat up in bed and brushed his hair out of his face. His blue eyes watched her for a moment. To finally open up and work with a team had been a huge accomplishment for Natasha in Bucky's eyes. To suddenly close off and be alone again seemed...off. "Is that why you aren't with the group?"

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