Marshall's House

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As we soared off we could still hear Fiona's loud yelling of victory and Simone's protests. We simply ignored and made the way to my house.
Once we got there he looked around curiously like a child in a candy store. When he did this I stood- well to be precise I floated puzzled by his reaction. Until I realized that he has never been in my house before, in the entire time I've been in the land of Aaa he's never seen my house.
Well, shit.
I grabbed two glasses and filled them with kool aid and handed him one as I sucked the color out of the other. He took it and nodded at me as a thank you.
He walked around my room and sifted through my music, looking at my stuff and honestly it made me want to kick him out and clean the house and then invite him over properly.
"A lot of music, no surprise on that of course."
He chuckled to himself and drank some kool aid.
I watched him carefully and placed my axe guitar down. He sighed and sat down, the seats were practically stone and this much he figured so he sat in front of the couch instead.
"Let's watch a movie."
I smiled and grabbed a few different movies and we discussed what we were gonna watch until we chose a horror film.
"As you wish.~"
I stated, bowing slightly and placed the DVD into the player and started up the movie.
"I have some popcorn if you want any Bubba."
"That's kind of odd..."
"Oh Fiona comes over every now and then to chill so I have a few snacks."
He nodded and fast forwarded through the previews as I made some popcorn. After doing so I came and sat down, on the actual ground with Gummie and we began the movie.
It of course wasn't really that scary but Gumbutt being the scardy cat he is jumped at every single turn. One time he even jumped into me and wrapped himself instinctively around me. He looked up at me and our faces were centimeters apart and I swear I could see him blush a dark red, he pushed away gently and ate some popcorn.
I nodded and continued watching, feeling slightly irritated at his actions.

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