1 - the "meetup"

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*WARNING: Contains gross over exaggeration of pregnancy. Expect meaningless fights and more fighting due to hormones.


Finding out that she was pregnant didn't scare Elena Harrington. She rejoiced at the news, happy about the growth in her family. On the other hand, being fired did. And that was what was happening right in front of her eyes. Reading the letter again, hoping she was misreading or misinterpreting, she couldn't help the words that came out of her.

"What? You can't do that,"she said incredulously. Looking up at the head of her team, Jessica Reed, her mind grappled to understand what was going on. She looked at the piece of paper in her hand, unseeing. This couldn't be happening. Spying movement from her desk, she let out a small shriek and grabbed the hands of her colleagues who were clearing her desk. She tried to stop them but Jessica's hands on her shoulders pulled her away. "Stop. This must be a misunderstanding. I can't be let go just like that. There are laws and rules."

"Elena, please understand. As much as I'd like to help you, I've checked with the relevant departments. All the proper channels have been traversed and everything has been approved. There's nothing else that can be done. So please allow Sheila and Priscilla to do as they're instructed." Looking at her desk while everything was packed, Elena felt so helpless. Why was this happening? Why had this been sprung up on her?

Her eyes becoming dry, she blinked and looked at Jessica again only to avert her eyes. She couldn't stand the pity in her eyes. A sudden rush of tears hung on the precipice of her eyes when she felt the familiar churning, the loss of moisture in her mouth as her body prepared to expel everything in her stomach. Her arms immediately pressed against her stomach, Jessica let her go. She knew what was happening. Everyone in the office knew.

Dropping into a chair, she hurriedly bent at her waist, her face pressing against her thighs. She hoped it would recede. She didn't need this final act of humiliation to punctuate her dismissal. She wanted to leave with her head held high. Well, as high as she could lift it when she had been hit with this sudden news. Her fingers clutching the fabric of her blouse tightly, she spoke to the tiny being in her womb.

Please, baby. Not now. Not now.

"Ugh, she's going to puke again,"one of the women, Sheila or Priscilla, mumbled in disgust. Elena was sure she meant to say it between the two of them but her sharp ears caught her words. She wasn't surprised by the animosity. The two of them had been the participants in the charity auction a four months ago and were unhappy that she had brought in more than them put together.

Four months ago. Her mind returned to the night she had met the man who had managed to withstand her at her snarkiest. The one who had gotten his friend to bid for her. The one who had left her without a trace after. The one who had left a piece of himself in her. The one she still couldn't get over even after four months.

Tears began to stream down her cheeks at the reminder. The memory was difficult enough on a good day but today, coupled with the bad news, she was hardpressed not to wail. She had a hard time stifling the sob as it was. The only good thing was that the nausea had finally abated

Slowly sitting up, she was surprised, and yet not, to find the women had left. She must not have heard them leave while she was trying not to cry in her final moments in the office. They must all be used to her tears since they appeared during odd times but she had managed to not cry, outright, since the symptoms appeared. Although looking at the pathetic items in the box made that difficult.

A small cactus, a picture of her and her best friend and some cards and items her colleagues bought for the office from vacation. Her calendar, her notebooks, her calculators. These were the only personal effects on her table. Everything else was the property of the company. It was sad that the last seven years in the company could be packed up so fast. And they all occupied less than half of the box used, which was the box that came with the printing paper.

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