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The moon was full and crimson. Crimson light shined through Ciel's window. He wore clothes that Vaidon gave him all those years ago. Ciel kept scowling, betrayal ran through him mind. Sebastian betrayed me. Ciel thought. A knock was heard from the other side of the door. Slowly the door opened to see Alois with such a worried face.
"Ciel? Don't do this." Alois said. The tone in his voice was sad.
"I need to teach him a lesson. Show him what happens if you betray me." Ciel faced Alois. Ciel's eyes turned crimson then back to its original color.
"Then I'll come with you. I'm able to find him." Alois said walking up to Ciel.
"It'll be dangerous. I can't have you hurt." Ciel placed a hand on Alois shoulder.
"I won't get in the way unless I need to. Plus I wanna give him a little beating as well." Alois giggled.
"Fine." Ciel said in defeat.

The three demons jumped from building to building. All three of them wore a mask and pure black. Their eyes were like hawks. Searching every inch of the streets.
"There at that apartment complex. The one at the corner." Alois pointed. They rushed to the small apartments. They all stood on the roof.
"Claude and I will search inside. Stay out here." Alois said. Ciel agreed to the plan.
"If something bad happens get away as fast as possible." Alois looked at Ciel the last time.
"Got it." the two left.
Ciel stood at the top of the apartments, feeling the cold breeze play with his hair. He thought what he would do, what to say.
Gently he placed a hand on his purple eye that was covered from the mask. Memories flowed into his head like a rapid river.  Ciel was surprised that he was able to keep all these memories after all these years.
Ciel still remembers the first time that he and Sebastian admit their feelings for each other. Ciel huffed out a puff of air.
"There all just stupid memories now." Ciel continued to stand in the red moonlight, his mind blank for once.
"Well, seems like we have another demon on our hands." a non familiar voice said. Ciel slowly turned around to meet a boy around his age. Hair was dark brown, eyes crimson red. He looked about the same height as Ciel. And wore such rich clothing of course Ciel would know. The boy wore such a rebellious, smug smile across his face.
"Why is there so much you commoners out tonight?" the boy said as he threw two bodies on to the floor. Claude and Alois laid on the floor unconscious. Ciel let out a low growl, his fist tightening.
"Damn you." Ciel whispered, still the boy could hear him.
"What did you say?" he cocked an eye brow. Sharp black claws appeared from his fingers.
"I said, damn you." Ciel said louder.
"Commoners should learn how to be more respectful to me, Lucifer. The devil's pupil." Lucifer moved faster than light. Lucifer stood behind Ciel as he swiftly try to claw at him, Ciel moved to the opposite side of Lucifer.
"What the hell? Stay still you little maggot." Lucifer kept rushing at him but Ciel dodged.
"What kind of demon are you?" Ciel stood there as Lucifer got more mad.
"I'm just a normal demon."  Ciel's guard was down. A figure appeared behind him. Kicking him off the building now on the streets. Ciel slowly got up groaning.
"I didn't see him move." Ciel looked up to see two figures. A taller one and Lucifer.
"You shouldn't be so cocky." Lucifer crossed his arms.
"Sebastian, I order you to reveal the stranger. Then kill him." Ciel froze at the name.
"Yes, master." That voice, so familiar. The voice was music but a death scream to Ciel's ears. Sebastian charged at him, Ciel moved at the last minute. He panted like crazy, moving his limbs felt like he was carrying boulders.
Sebastian kept chasing Ciel all over but he did nothing but dodge. Ciel couldn't bring himself to hurt him. Sebastian punched him with no holding back. Ciel flew across the street, sliding across the rocky road, earning some scratches and some blood spilling but healed in no time.
"Get him boys." Ciel said as two black demon hounds appeared. The two huge demon hounds snarled and howled as they chased after Sebastian. And of course Sebastian destroyed the two hounds, as they disappeared into smoke.
"I'm getting tired of this." Sebastian's eyes turned crimson red, and in one swift motion grabbing Ciel pinning him down on to the floor.
"Now let's just see who you are." Sebastian said with such a wide smirk on his face. He ripped off the black mask and the moonlight giving a better view of Ciel's face. Sebastian couldn't move, his muscles stopped working. Ciel's eyes were filled with tears when he looked up. Sebastian was distracted which Ciel took as a opportunity. He punched him hard enough making him fly back to Lucifer's feets.
Sebastian got back to his feet as he stared hopelessly at Ciel. Ciel was on his knees, tears falling down from his eyes.
"Sebastian kill him! I order you to kill him!" Sebastian couldn't comprehend to what's happening.
"I- I can't. I'm sorry master." Sebastian said.
"Why not?" Lucifer growled.
"Cause he was my former master." Sebastian said as he gently smiled at Ciel. Ciel's eyes widen but then looked back down at the ground.
Lucifer grabbed Sebastian by his tie bringing him down to his level.
"Fine I'll have your father kill him then you." Lucifer smiled.
"Well he is no longer my master, nor my lover." Ciel looked him as Sebastian smirked.
"I have a new master," he paused. Bringing Lucifer into a passionate kiss. "And lover." Sebastian smiled like a maniac. Tears escaped Ciel's eyes.
"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?!" Ciel yelled getting up to his feet.
"What did I do wrong?! If you give me a second chance I promise I'll be better. Please!" Ciel cried.
"Get out of my face. I never wanna see you again." Sebastian said. Ciel fell to the floor again, his legs shaking. Ciel disappeared out of no where.
A figure carried him through the night and back home.
"Ciel are you alright?" Alois shook Ciel. He looked at Alois with much sadness in his eyes.
"He doesn't love me anymore. He never loved me." Ciel cried that night, feeling the cold take over his body completely. The heat from his body left completely. 

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