53. Endings and new starts

Start from the beginning

Liza: "What?"

Gabbie: "Come with me."

Liza: "Wh..."

Before I can object, she is pulling me by the arm up the stairs into her room.

Liza: "What?"

Gabbie: "What's wrong?"

Liza: "What do you mean?"

Gabbie: "You have been acting weird since the end of grade 12. You seem distant."

Liza: "I'm not distant."

Gabbie: "Liza, please tell me what's wrong."

Liza: "Nothing is wrong."

Gabbie: "As your best friend, I think I can tell when something is wrong."

I sigh.

Liza: "It's just..."

I feel a tear run down my cheek. Gabbie looks at me worried then hugs me.

Gabbie: "Now I know something is wrong."

Liza: "David and I broke up."

Gabbie: "What? Why? What did that motherfucker do? I swear to god if he cheated on you I will kill him!"

Liza: "Gabbie calm down! We broke up because we didn't think a long-distance relationship would be good for us."

Gabbie: "So I don't need to kill him?"

I let out a slight laugh.

Liza: "No Gabbie. Murder won't be necessary."

She smiles. 

Gabbie: "Well I'm glad that I could at least make you smile."

Liza: "Have you ever thought about being a comedian?"

Gabbie: "What?"

Liza: "Like standup comedy shows."

Gabbie: "Liza, you know I don't like standing up. I much prefer sitting down."

I laugh again.

Liza: "Consider it."

Gabbie: "Ok. I will. But only because you think I should."

She hugs me one last time.

Liza: "I should get going. I have a plane to catch."

Gabbie: "What is the three letter airport name again?"

Liza: "JFK."

Gabbie: "Your going from LAX to JFK."

She says this is a funny voice making us both laugh.

Liza: "But seriously I need to go I have to be on a plane in an hour and a half, and they said to get there 2 hours early."

Gabbie: "Then why the hell are you still here! New York is waiting for you!"

I smile and start walking downstairs. Everyone looks at me as if there was a spotlight on me. 

Liza: "Bye guys!"

I run out the door before I can get any sappy goodbyes. Just as I turn on my car, I see Gabbie run down to my car. I roll down the window.

Liza: "What is it?"

Gabbie: "Can you just promise me something?"

Liza: "You have to tell me what first."

Gabbie: "When you go to New York, don't forget about me."

Liza: "Why would I forget about you?"

Gabbie: "Well, you are probably going to meet a bunch of new people, have a bunch of new friends. And I can't wait to see what your future has in store for you, but I just want that future to include me."

Liza: "I will never forget about you Gabbie. You have been there for me since preschool. I don't think that anyone could replace the level of friendship we have."

Her sad face turns into a smile.

Gabbie: "Thanks. Now go have fun in New York. And text me when you get there. Oh and send me pictures I want to post them to Instagram and make people think I went to New York!"

Liza: "Will do."

With that, I drive off to the airport. 

After what feels like forever, LA traffic is the worst, I get to the airport. I quickly run to the check in desk.

Liza: "Hi. Flight to JFK at 5 PM."

Check in guy: "It's 4:15."

Liza: "And?"

Check in guy chuckles.

Check in guy: "You internet people love being late to places."

I look at check in guy confused.

Liza: "What?"

Check in guy: "You're Liza Koshy right?"

I nod.

Check in guy: "I've seen your vines. And what I meant was there was another viner here a few minutes ago who also has a plane to catch but had to sprint because their flight leaves in 15 minutes."

I laugh.

Liza: "That's us. Discordinated!"

Check in guy laughs again.

Check in guy: "Here is your ticket. Have a nice flight."

I run over to security. After going through the painful process that is security, I get to the boarding gate. The second I get there, the PA system goes on.

PA: "All passengers boarding flight 175 to New York, please start boarding. All passengers boarding flight 175 to New York, please start boarding. Thank you."

I mentally high five myself. Good timing. I get onto the plane and get in my seat. I'm on the window. Another mental high five. The whole flight, I just listen to music, and stare out the window. I think I feel asleep at some point too. 

We finally land. I look out the window. I can't see much since it's dark out, but it's still beautiful.

PA: "Welcome to New York everyone! Have a lovely evening."

I wait a second for people to get off. Then I grab my backpack and get off the plane. I go over to the place where you wait for suitcases until I see my hard blue suitcase. I grab it and leave the airport. I manage to find a taxi quickly. That's one thing I heard about being in New York. Apparently, you get really good at waving down taxis. The lady driving the taxi doesn't say much to me. She seems tired. I can't blame her. I don't like small talk either. Gabbie taught me to hate it with a burning passion of a thousand suns.

After about a 30 minute drive, she stops at NYU. 

Driver: "First year of university?"

Liza: "Yeah."

Driver: "Don't worry. It's not nearly as complicated as high school. Don't be nervous. It will be amazing."

Liza: "Thanks. Have a good night."

Driver: "You too darling."

I get out and she drives off. As I stare up at NYU, I think to myself.

This is a new start. New people. New places. I'm in New York! I can't wait to see what happens.

AN: So how's life?

The Chronicles of my Life: a DIZA fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now