The Virus

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The nameless man was left in the cell over night to make certain that he hadn't brought any kind of sickness into the kingdom. Any outward signs included the normal shivering that came from being cold and a small amount of coughing, nothing suspicious. As morning arose, the sound of pounding footsteps echoed around the room as two guards entered the prison room. Two other guards were in room as they had been keeping guard over night. The guards combined made four. Enough to escort the man out of the cell once the door was unlocked. As the key was turned into the lock by a 5'7 neck length, auburn haired woman, she pushed the door open and stood to the side as the same ginger haired man, Kurt, from last night walked inside and crouched in front of the man before cuffs were placed around the foreigners wrists. Kurt then proceeded to stand up and walked around to the foreigner's side before he grabbed an edge of tattered clothing and pulled the man up onto his feet. From there the foreigner was escorted out of the cell planting one unsteady footstep in front of the other while the other guards walked nearby for a precautionary measure. As they were headed to the interrogation room, the mystery man became riddled with a couching fit. Each racking cough filled the air. Sweat beaded upon his forehead and if his hands hadn't been shackled with cuffs, they would have been shaking. Externally it looked like something of a fever but internally his nerves were on fire as they screamed at him. Pain made its way through his body and his muscles felt as if they were being attacked by an unfamiliar virus.

"Take him to the infirmary now." The level headed female guard said because if this man was sick then he had to be taken to the infirmary to get a diagnosis on the state he was in. But if it came to be known that he had a virus, then he along with anyone else who had come into contact with him would need to be quarantined.

The other guards nodded their heads before they hefted the man up and dragged him to the infirmary. As the door was pushed open, white sterile walls depicted the cleanliness of this place, nurses and doctors rushed over to the guards before taking the foreigner out of the guard's hands. They hurried him over to one of the infirmary beds before they placed him gently inside and injected a needle to him which was connected to an IV drip. After that, the nurses fussed over him while also trying to find a diagnosis to his condition. But it was unknown how long this diagnosis would take and if they would get a result straight away if at all.

Days passed and there was still no confirmation about the condition this man was in. But what could be confirmed was that each passing day he got worse and worse, sicker and sicker and with no idea on what was making him sick, there was no way to help him other than to keep him comfortable. But everyone was being weary and cautious because whatever had made him sick could end up being contagious and could do a lot of damage if not contained. The remedy to this was that any one who had been in contact with him would be placed in a quarantine room so if this was contagious, it wouldn't spread. So that was what was done although it would only be a temporary solution until they figured out a cure or whether the illness the newcomer had was contagious or not.

But as more time passed it became known that whatever virus the foreigner had brought in was affecting those in quarantine. Well most of them. The ones infected had the general signs of flu such as coughing, sweating, chills, muscle aches and fatigue. There seemed to be a few who were unaffected and were in a healthy condition but the reason why was unknown. To be on the safe side, those people were still kept in quarantine just in case they were prone to passing the virus on to others. At least for the time being because what would happen next would require the risk of those unaffected to help and aide others.

Small groups of people within the kingdom grounds were beginning to show signs of inhabiting the virus and it was slowly beginning to spread. Those who were unaffected were called on to help round up the ones who were sick and ended up placing them in quarantine. There still seemed to be no true cure. Healers had been brought in to use their healing abilities to heal the infected and it had worked but it could only fully work if the virus was still at its beginning stages. But once it had taken root, there was no cure. A tough decision had to be made by the King and Queen where those who were able to be healed were healed. But those who were too far gone had to be cast outside the kingdom walls. It was a decision that the King and Queen had deliberated for quite some time and they had tried to come up with other solutions but none would work as effectively than to cast the infected out of the kingdom. It was either that or have the kingdom crumble to a virus.    

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