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Hello!! This is how it all begins.
Prepare for swearing, sarcasm, bluntness and sexy people. I can't wait for this story to begin and this is just a little preview for everyone to have and hold on to until everything really gets rolling.
Thank you for reading and thank you for holding out.

*Six Years Before*

"Come on, Roxy, we're going to miss all the good stuff if you take any longer." James yelled from the kitchen. I stumbled from my room adjusting the mess of curls on my head trying to keep my purse on my shoulder.
"Sorry, sorry. You should know by now that my hair is difficult." I mumbled as we rushed out the door.
"Bye mom, I'll be back after dropping off dipshit." I yelled out as I threw my phone and wallet in to the small shoulder bag and tossed it on.
"Language and you don't have to yell, I'm right here" She paused leaning in the wide door way. "Be careful and don't do anything stupid please." Mom said back as she tossed me the keys. I nodded giving her a small salute before we both charged out the door.
"Money? Phone?" She called out as we raced down the driveway.
"Check and check. Love you mom, I'll be back in a few hours. Don't worry so much." I said blowing her a kiss as I slid in the front seat. She smiled and blew a kiss back as I backed out.
"You ready to have an amazing first bazaar experience?" James asked as I got on the highway. I rolled my eyes but nodded.
"What are we even supposed to do? What goes on?" I asked keeping my eyes trained on the road. I've had my license for almost six months but I've been driving for a good year.
"There's normally a bunch of vendors but this year there is supposed to be a bunch of psychics and stuff like that." He replied leaning back in the seat playing on his phone.
He was always on that thing. He didn't know how to hold a decent conversation for long, that or he'd lost his touch.
"And what are they supposed to do? Throw some voodoo and call it a day?" I asked training my eyes on the road. Something was up.
A long fifteen minutes of silence and I finally pulled up to the normally vacant lot. This is were carnivals, circus's and apparently bazaars as well now, came and rented for a couple days. My eyes found their way to the large, sign that labeled the place.
Madam Zapata's Traveling Bazaar
I looked to James with a worried face but he had already gone ahead of me towards the first shop.
"Is this for a special lady?" The older, tan gentlemen asked James as I approached.
"My mom." He answered. The man nodded as he selected one of the stranger looking necklaces with three crystals. Gold, pink, and red.
"Pink for beauty and love, red for courage. Gold for wisdom, prosperity, and wealth." He said pointing to each one. James nodded and handed him a ten dollar bill.
"I'll take it. Keep the change." The man nodded and grabbed a black box, placing the pretty piece inside. They traded then we both walked away.
"You couldn't wait up?" I asked as we strolled to the next shop. They had funky hats.
"Sorry. I was going too but I got excited. The necklaces really caught my eye." He said with a sheepish face. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway, throwing a punch to his arm.
"Come on, lets go get our palms read." I said veering left through the crowd toward the woman in a head pieces booth.
"Hello. What brings you here today?" She asked in an almost hypnotic voice. She was young with dark skin and bright blues eyes. No makeup graced her flawless face and she was the picture of stunning.
"What all can you do?" I asked excited as I tried to calmly sit across from her.
"I can look into your future, tell your past. Talk to past loved ones if you wish." She said leaning forward resting her chin on her hand.
"Please. Roxy, I forgot to mention the gimmicks." James said standing behind me. The beautiful women raised as eyebrow. I turned to him.
"James. You brought me here, there for I can use my money as I please. I don't think she's a 'gimmick'. Don't be so harsh." I said in an easy tone. He scuffed.
"I can prove it if you like, James." She said politely. He rolled his eyes but plopped down next to me anyway. I knew his curiosity would get the best of him. We have been best friends for ten years now. The women smiled and gestured to take his hand. He obligated and sat forward. She took a deep breath then looked into his eyes. I could feel him tense.
"You're a brother. You are seventeen." She paused and smirked. "Next month, the eighteenth to be exact." I bit my lip to hold back my gasp and smirked. Damn right she wasn't a gimmick. "You play baseball and want to make it big. You will in collage but you may come across something." She stopped and closed her eyes again pulling her hand away. She sighed and reopened them, revealing a bright green instead. I gasped this time.
"Don't forget to think with your heart, Mr. Park." She said with a small smile. James shook his head and stood up grabbing my arm and not letting go until we were a few vendors down.
"What was that all about?" I asked as we slowed down.
"That was a bad idea." He stated walking to a candle shop. They were dipping the wicks on site.
"Why? Did that really freak you out? I thought it was pretty legit." I said with a smirk. I should go back later.
"Yeah no. It was creepy. What makes her so special? Who knows if she's telling the truth." He said back. I rolled my eyes.
Today was going to be a long day.
It was getting closer to the five o' clock hour and I wanted to be home for dinner. Mom started her chili this morning and to say I was excited would be an understatement. She only made it a few times a year and what prompted her now was beyond me but I was grateful.
It was the definition of delicious.
We were trying to find our way back to the entrance after a long day and turned down a lane that we hadn't seen before.
"This isn't the way we came, Rox." James said from beside me. I knew he was tired but it had actually been a lot of fun and I had found some things for Christmas. It was getting chiller on the early November evening but I almost wasn't ready to go. I felt like I was missing something.
"I know, just one more then we'll go." I said trying to find a booth worth the last of my money. I had been saving up for a while and thought now was a good time to blow it. Most of the good venders had already closed up shop and we were left with a bunch of odd looking jewelry and some furniture. My eyes finally landed on a couple small, flashing lights towards the opposite end and I grinned. I walked a little quicker and James picked up his speed as well. I was met with an older, pale women who was hunched over.
"Last customer of the day?" She asked from her seat across the bare table. There was nothing behind her either and I thought for a moment.
"I'm looking for something to help with my future." I said placing one hand on my hip. The whole day I had been looking for everyone else and now I had eight dollars left for myself. She smiled and leaned forward resting her thin arms on the table to support her.
"Sit." She said gesturing to the chair to her right. I carefully set my bags down beside the chair and sat down myself. She turned to me from behind the table and pulled out a simple, delicate looking blue string. Attached to the string was a tiny elephant that had carved details painted black. It was simple but pretty. James was standing against the frame watching impatiently.
"Alright, you hold this end and I'll hold this one. This is a wish charm. The elephant stands for strength and peace We'll tie it at the same time and you make a wish as we do it, okay? One the count of three." She asked as I grabbed one end. I nodded.
"One, two-" And we tied the knot. The bracelet rested secured on my wrist and I shook it with a smile.
"It will come off when your wish is granted. When that comes is all up to the universe." She said with a shrug.
"Simple as that?" I asked. James scuffed but I ignored him. He never believed in this stuff, always claiming is was fake mojo.
"Simple as that. You can have your wish, have a nice day." She said standing and resuming cleaning up.
"Well thank you, have a nice day." I said with a small nod. She bid a wave before James was dragging me off again.
"What is your deal? You have been pushy and you act like you don't even want to be here when it was your idea." I said as we entered my car. He sighed.
"Look, I'm sorry. Daph and I have been having problems. I'll try to get over it." I sighed sitting back as well. Daphne was he current girlfriend of five months. They were cute but we were all only sixteen and I didn't really see the big deal.
"I'm sorry too. I know you like her but the way I see it, we are young. We are supposed to have breakups and crappy stuff like that. I don't mean you have to go hoe around and shit but I mean that you aren't getting married anytime soon. You're just supposed" I said with a shrug. James grinned and grabbed my face planting a wet, sloppy one on my cheek.
"Good grief man I was just giving some advice not stopping the war." I said rolling my eyes and starting the car. It was just past four thirty and it was about a thirty minute to drop James off then get home.
Just in time for moms chili.
James and I sang along to Three Days Grace and he got pissy when I skipped Green Day. Of all things.
"So what'd you wish for?" He asked turning down the radio and wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.
"If I tell you it won't come true." I said nonchalantly.
"Please, she said it would come off when it happened. Isn't that some kind of voodoo magic promise or something like that?" James asked crossing his arms.
"Yeah I doubt it. Besides, do you really have to know?" I asked exaggerating. Was it really that big if deal?
"Hey I'm just saying, I am your best friend." He said putting his hands up. I groaned.
"Don't laugh or make fun of me or do any of the shit that you are notorious for." He put up the three fingers of his right hand.
"Boy scout honor."

"Alright." I started off with a sigh. "I hoped." I said emphasizing the whole 'hope' part.
"To find a soul mate and be in actual love some day, not that fake crap you read about or see in the movies." I glanced over to him already expecting to find to the worst and he was sitting there looking straight ahead like his head might just pop off.
"Can I laugh just a little?"
James's mom waved to me from the door as he entered and it was nice to ride home in the quiet.
I barged through the front door with a couple bags on my right arm just as mom was setting the table.
"Hey sweetie did you have fun? Find anything weird?" She asked as I set my bags in a car.
"It was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I got this neato wish charm bracelet and just a few other things." I said with a shrug.
"That's good. Hold on to it and make sure it comes true."

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