Carrie looked up, seeing his truck drive up to the other garage. He got out, pulling a deer out of the truck bed. From what Carrie could see, it looked like an 8 point buck.

A half hour later, he finally made his way up to the house. "Hey beautiful," he kissed her gently before sitting next to her.

Carrie took off his hat, putting it on and pulling her hair through the loop. "8 point?"

"Yep, it was about a hundred yards away when I shot it."

She combed his hair with her fingers, accidentally smudging his face paint. He handed her a box. "Breakfast as promised."

Carrie opened the box, gasping when she saw pancakes and bacon. "Harry!"

He kissed her again, the face paint smearing on her face. Harrison laughed at the smudges of paint on her nose, cheeks, and forehead. "Did the doctor call?"

She nodded. "Take a guess."

"Hmm," he thought for a second. "Girl?"

Carrie nodded. "It's a girl," she whispered with a smile.

He smiled. "That's wonderful Carrie! Although Adam and I are going to be outnumbered."

She hugged him. "I can't believe we're having another daughter."

"Me too."


Harrison cleaned up and finished changing just as Carrie finished her breakfast. "Come on," she said, taking his hand and dragging him downstairs. "Time for p90x."

"Whoa Carrie, you're pregnant."

She shrugged. "We ran a marathon when I was pregnant with Adam."

"Just take it easy okay?" The words sounded silly coming from his mouth. Carrie was never one to take it easy.

"I will after I kick your butt."

Harrison smiled. "What do you want to do first?"


He nodded changing into workout clothes as she did the same. Carrie found her favorite workout shoes; her pink Nike all air sole sneakers.

Their basement was pretty much a personal gym. The majority of it consisted of workout equipment and a mini track while a small portion of it was another living room. Last year, they installed a batting cage for Adam to practice baseball.

"Ready?" She asked. He nodded, following her to the track. She set a timer on her FitBit as they started. Carrie took off, Harrison struggling to keep up. He hadn't run in a while and she was kicking his butt.

"Come on slowpoke!" she shouted to him.

He shook his head. She was so damn fast. Carrie ran backwards as he gained some progress on her. "I'm running faster backwards than you!"

She finished, her mile time 4:40. He finished shortly after. "Holy shit. I couldn't catch you at all," he stammered. Harrison bent over, putting his hands on his knees.

Carrie stood him back up. "Come on hotshot."

After the mile, they did dead lifts, Carrie increasing her max to 180 pounds. Harrison passed his goal of 300, getting 315.

"What's next?"

"Pull ups."

Harrison went first, getting 32. "Beat that."

"Oh I will," she smiled, sticking her hands in the chalk. Carrie jumped up on the bar, pounding out the pull ups. He watched, very impressed and proud of her.

She was a little mountain of muscle. The first time she worked out with him, she complained the whole time. But now Carrie could bench more than some of his former football teammates.

Carrie jumped down. She didn't just beat him, she crushed him. "How many?"


"Bull shit," she said, panting. "Seriously."

"42. Nice job sweetheart."

She stole some of his Gatorade. "Want me to kick your butt at anything else?" She asked, recording their data on the white board. "You know you haven't updated your push-ups in a month. You think you can beat 123?"

"I don't know about that today."

Carrie took his hand, pulling him to his feet. "Come on, I'll help you."

Harrison sat down as she laid down on her back. He crawled over her, placing his hands next to her shoulders. Getting his feet set, he started the push-ups, kissing Carrie at the end of each push-up.

It was a few minutes before he finished and collapsed himself on her. "How many?"

"150. Crushed it."

He stood up, helping her up and taking a sip of his Gatorade. "Wow."

"You're welcome," Carrie teased, sitting down and plopping his Gatorade on the table next to her. "Wanna arm wrestle."

Looking at her smirk, he couldn't say no. Kneeling across from her, they locked hands. "On three." They both counted down until they pushed at each other's hand.

Harrison couldn't move her arm and neither could she. She grimaced as he slightly moved her arm. Breathing loudly, she moved his arm back to their starting position.

He watched her struggle a bit. The veins in her arm flared out, and her bicep bulged. But soon he was the one struggling. Slowly, Carrie gained progress, his arm now at an angle.

Harrison bit his lip. She was so damn strong. Slowly, she put more pressure on his arm until it was pressed against the table.

"That was awesome sweetheart," he said, leaning across the table for a kiss.

"I know," she answered, grabbing his tank top and pulling him in for a kiss.

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