"Two? Wow that's big, are you going to tell me what you got for your birthday?" He asks.

"Daddy" he whines.

"Alright, that's fine, perhaps you can tell me later but for now let's check everything over" he explains.

"So let's start easy and measure height, oh your shoes are already off" Dr. Cole gasps, probably trying to cheer him up, which didn't happen as he's been grumpy a lot lately due to lack of sleep as he keeps fighting to not go to sleep.

"Yeah we rushed a little" I explain.

"Alright, let's take you over here" he says as I carry Blaine to the measuring thing. I put him down but he just whined and put his arms up to be carried.

"Stay there a minute baby" I soothe him as I kneel down and hold his stomach gently to stop him from going anyway. Dr. Cole brought the measure down and measured him. He tells me his height which was pretty good and then we sit back down.

"There you go, that wasn't so hard was it?" He asks. He then checks his eyes, heart, weight and then ears which was a bit of a struggle.

"Baby, you need to let him check your ears" I coo.

"No" he sobs and tries to get off my lap.

"No, come on" I say as I pull him back further up my lap and press one side of his head against my shoulder and hold him there a minute while the doctor checks one ear at the minute. Once he done that, I then quickly swapped sides so he could repeat his process.

"Do you think he'll cooperate with the mouth?" He asks me.

"I'm not to sure but I could try" I tell him.

"Ok, that'd be great" he smiles.

"Blaine, can you do doctor a really big favour and open your mouth as wide as you can for him?" I ask him and he does it easily without complaint yet he refused to do the ears.

"That was easy" I say surprised and then the doctor checks his mouth and teeth and all that.

"Seems healthy, except one thing, is he still using a dummy?" He asks.

"Yes he is, but I was thinking of stopping it all when he got to nearly three but that's going to have to be earlier isn't it by the sounds of all this?" I ask.

"Not necessarily, I know he's 19 and he's had and got healthy teeth but it seems that they are going a little wrong, nothing major though so don't worry, when are you thinking of taking him to the dentist?" He asks.

"Maybe next week, because I think he is now getting his wisdom teeth as he hardly takes all of his dummy and bottle" I tell him.

"Ok, they will probably do something about that as I can't I'm afraid, anyway moving on, the dreaded part, you know how this works, take clothes off, lay him down, blah blah blah" he jokes, trying to lighten the mood and I chuckle a little bit but Blaine looks a little tired so I'm hoping he will finally have a nap in the car.

"Come on then, let's get you out of these clothes" I sigh as I start stripping him down to his nappy and socks.

"We'll just do a little check on his belly, if that's alright?" Doctor asks.

"That's fine" I smile and let him do what he needs to do. He prods and touches his stomach.

"Quite a strong stomach little man" he says impressed.

"Yeah?" I ask, shocked.

"Yeah" he says as he finishes touching Blaine's stomach.

"Yeah but it can weaken when he's sick though, his mum explained that he's not very good when he gets ill so we have to be careful if not its back to the hospital if it gets too serious" I explain to him.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now