(1) The 'X' ( edited )

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"Arigato, Korosensei!" Nagisa yelled to his yellow octopus teacher from halfway down the hill as he waved his hand.

Akabane smiled and tucked his fists into his pockets before walking away from the scene. "Hurry, up, Nagisa. I'm going to leave you behind."

"Hai!" Nagisa replied cheerfully.

The scene played in Karma's head repeatedly. 'Nagisa used to be so cheerful.' He thought to himself, frowning as the following scene took place shortly after.

The two were having a small happy conversation about the movie the two went to see with their unkillable teacher, before all that was interrupted.

"I loved the part whe-" Nagisa had stopped halfway.

Akabane, who was walking slightly in front of the blue head, stopped in his tracks to turn around.

The scene had scared the wits out of him. A figure was seen running away as Nagisa laid on the hard concrete floor, blood pooling from his body. He noticed that the slashes on his back that had damped his shirt with blood looked like and 'X'.

Karma's insides boiled as thought ran through his mind. "Why did I let him run off?! Of yeah. Nagisa was on his death bed." He asked himself out loud.

His thought were interrupted by a cough from the boy who laid in the hospital bed in front of him.

"Nagisa!" Akabane jumped out of his seat. The next moment, the doctor and nurses were seen rushing to him.

Karma remembered the words the doctor had told him a few moments ago.

"He had somesort of cells put inside him, but rather than negative affects, his body and mind is receiving it as though it's been inside of him since long ago."

Karma exited the room with his hands burried inside his pockets.

Karasuma Sensei had one brow raised. "How is he?"

"Just woke up."

There was a familiar silence between the two before Karasuma Sensei sighed, "Look, it's not your fault."

"Of course it is! I was right there and I couldn't do anything to help!" The impatient red head snapped at his teacher, guilt filling him up after that. After all, he was only trying to help.

Another sigh escaped Karasuma's lips before he tried again, "Nagisa will be going to school tomorrow. His wounds weren't that bad. In fact, he's already almost fully recovered from the loss of blood already. No need to worry. Nagisa is strong." Karasuma Sensei gave him a slight pat on his shoulders before leaving the scene.

Even leaving the small boy slightly behind dark at night is dangerous. He knew this, yet he didn't care. That was one mistake. And it wasn't the only mistake that he'd make to ruin Nagisa's life.

Nagisa was asked many questions the following day. Even Korosensei had been crying over him, not being able to visit the boy because of his alien-like looks.

'Nagisa seems to be fine. Why was I even worrying?' Akabane thought to himself with a relieved sigh.

A week has passed and the incident wasn't mentioned in the classroom. But the scene just had to keep Karma up.

To get his mind off things, he skipped a few classes, unknown to the next incident that would happen to the blue head.

He was just wondering around in the woods when he stumbled across the class 3E's PE class. Except Karasuma Sensei, Bitch Sensei and Korosensei weren't the only teachers there.

There was another big burly man in a position which indicated the fact that he was ready for anything charging at him. On the other end, Nagisa was seen stretching his arm with a knife clamped between his lips.

'What the heck is going on here?!?' Karma thought. He noticed how the knife in Nagisa's right hand glinted under the hot blazing sun. Realisation struck him as he realised, that knife was real.

Karma was about to join into the scene with his blood boiling when he noticed how calm and collected Shiota looked.

'He has a plan in mind.' Karma smirked to himself, before another thought pushed that away, 'But that man is much more experienced!!'

Karma watched in shock as Nagisa walked towards the teacher, holding the knife as thought it was a bag containing nothing harmful. He stopped in his tracks when his arms as met with the teacher's. After three full seconds, Nagisa swung the knife at his opponent's face. The man, startled, fell backwards. Before his body came into contact with the ground, Nagisa slipped behind him and rested the shining weapon on his neck.

Karma closed his opened mouth as he saw his best friend mouth the word, "Gotcha."

The red head almost burst out laughing when he saw Shiota's calm face turned into a blank one as he asked, "Eh? Was I supposed to use the back of the knife?"

Many thoughts ran through Akabane's mind as Korosensei ate the knife Nagisa used while Sugino and Rio put their arms around the blue head.

'Was what the doctor mentioned bloodlust? I'm sure Nagisa always had bloodlust, but it seems he can now control it despite having it increased."

Watching a furious Takaoka Sensei leave, Nagisa smiled at his success and the praises that came along with it.

As students were heading back to their campus, Nagisa frowned.

Kayato noticed this and asked, "Doshitano, Nagisa-chan?"

Nagisa frowned once more before shouting out loud enough for the red head who was hiding behind some trees to hear. "Akabane, how long are you going to stalk us?"

Karma blushed in embarrassment before coming out of his hiding place, rubbing the back of his neck, "For you information, I wasn't stalking."

Nagisa sweatdropped at his statement. He replied to it anyways, sarcasm dropping from his voice , "Yeah, right...."

The 'X'  ( a Karmagisa fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now